Chapter four

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Melany's POV

A few miles away from Jules house and I'm still scared. I feel like that bastard is still coming for me. Why didn't I notice his kind . Ofcourse he hid that side perfectly well with all those sweet talks and gifts under his good boy's looks. I'm grateful that I always refused his gifts otherwise that would have given him a reason to want something from me. But I honestly didn't see this coming.
I hate him for trying to rape me. I was still thinking about what that fool would have done if Annie didn't arrive there on time.

"Baby girl I'm so sorry that he did that to you" Ann said interrupting my thoughts.

"Its not your fault, its mine. I should have seen this becoming but, no i was busy being nice to everyone".

"Don't talk like that Mel, that jerk is a fool not to realise a kind and loving person he just tried to ruin" Ann tried assuring me.

"Any way thanks, I don't know what he would have done if you hadn't come there."

"Anything for you Mel"

Sometimes i wonder how i got lucky to have a friend like Annie.
Right now all i think of doing is getting homeand stripping this unlucky dress off and wash all the bad event away in the shower.

"No way! you going home like that, especially since your parents are not home." Annie exclaimed.

Oh no did i say that out loud?.


"No buts" you clearly didn't enjoy yourself at the party and you won't go home feeling down."

"Mister, please stop right here" she told the driver.

We got out the cab and walked a few miles ahead of us coming to a halt at this new night club, where people were inline trying to get inside. Annie didn't bother joining the line as she walked to the bouncer and whispered something to him allowing us to go through.

"Ann what did you tell that guy?".

Nothing much, he used to work at that night club close to my house. He is my good friend".

"Mmmmm. Good friend ok"

"Hey what are you thinking?"she asked

"Oh nothing, just thinking about the good friend part", both of us letting out a heartily laughter.

I felt my mood lifting but went back to how it was when a nearly drunk guy asked Annie for a dance. It instantly reminded me of Cole, causing me to shake in fear even tho i am in the mist of so many people.
I found a place to sit while Ann and the stranger danced to Ed- sheeran's shape of you.
I felt shamelessly comfortable as aI felt someone gazing at me. I turned to locate the person, and I was not prepared for what i saw.
Sitting a few tables away was the handsome stranger i saw earlier at Jules' house. The one I couldn't stop thinking about.

OMG what is he doing here?,

The same thing you are doing here, my mind told me.

He was still starring at me and that made me extremely horney and wet between my thighs.
He was making me feel certain things I didn't know i could. I broke my gaze from him to compose myself but I couldn't as my gaze went back to him. He had this knownly smirk on his face which i found very sexy. I was feeling so wet so I excused myself to the washroom. I was so wet that i had to wipe myself so i don'tstain the dress. As i was leaning on the sink, I felt strong arms grasp my waist and I felt strangely comfortable. It was so different from Cole's. I leaned into him when he hugged my back feeling his erected member poking my ass.he started trailing kisses on my neck. I had to bite my lower lip to stop me from moaning. I turned around only to be met by his lips on mine. He tasted so sweet, like nothing I had tasted before. He unknownly stole my first kiss.

He trailed kisses on top of my breasts as his lips left mine. I couldn't control my moan, he was driving me crazy with what he was doing to me. His hands left my waist to caress my thighs with one and the other pulling my dress up. As i moan his lips met mine to join in my moaning. It was then i made out the colour of his eyes. I figured its blue but can't be sure as its now a deep shade of blue due to the lust in them. His eyes spoke so much of him and it was drawing me closer to him.

"Do you want to go home with me?"

he spoke for the first time when we heard a knock on the door indicating he locked it when he entered. It was like I had lost my voice upon hearing his so I just nodded. I knew it was not right, but i couldn't control myself. He opened the door moving out first with me following him. The lady at the door gave us a knowingly smile which made me so embarrassed. He practically dragged me through the back door into his car, as if he was afraid I will change my mind. Half way through the drive I felt the comfiness of this car seat. How come I didn't notice it earlier?, oh yes , I was busy starring at him. He didn't even allow me to let Annie know I was leaving.

Pls, pls, pls. 😍😍guys. I need ur comments. Pls tell me ur suggestions.😍😍😗😙
Love uuuuuu

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