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Everton's P.O.V

I've stuffed this up, big time.
Shit, shit, shit.

I looked back at my iMatch, wrapped around my wrist. I saw the red target move in another damn direction.

Confused? Let me start from the start. Not from when I was born of course, that would be a bit embarrassing.
But from when I was set out on my task.

I'm Everton.
Everton Jones.
19 year old, male Cupid.
What's a cupid?
Well we are Matchmakers.
The systems back at our Headquarters, Cupid's Matchmaking Association, match every human on the planet with their 'True Love.'
Yeah.. that's a thing.

Cupid's wear an iMatch which technically tracks and locates our couples all around the world.
Not in a creepy way of course. But to a human, that would be creepy enough to call the police and lock us up.

Cupid's don't age until we find our own match. Most of the Cupid's don't even get to have a match. One of the Security Cupid's has lived over 100 years, never had a match.
Cupid's live up to the age of 30, then they are 30 forever, until they fall in love.

Appearance-wise? We are just like humans. Instead with white wings that we can make invisible to the human eye. We are very attractive creatures, easily persuasive.

Anyway, enough about the mystical world.
I have caused a major problem and it's rare that these kind of things happen.

This is how it went...

Every morning, us Cupids' wake up with the list of matching couples located around the world.
Today I have only one couple to pair. Usually I'd have about five or ten, depending where in the world they are.

I do the normal routine of getting out of bed, showering, breakfast, teeth and changing into some fresh clothes before going to the transportation pod.

The transportation pod is the busiest place in the building. This is were Cupid's choose the exact location and time of when the couples will meet. Depending where in the world they are, it takes either a minute to get there, or up to an hour to get to the furthest place.
So not that long really.
The pods travel with an invisibility shield protecting our kind.
Inside there are comfortable seats, food and drinks, just in case it's an hour long.

Humans would kill to have this kind of technology.

"Excuse me, thanks. Just need to get.. pass... excuse me."
Finally reaching my arranged pod through the crowd, I opened the door, walking in, shutting it behind me.

There are thousands of pods. One for nearly every cupid.
This isn't technically mine, I get a different numbered pod each time. But it's mine for the day at least.

"Hello, Everton Jones. Your destination is Cypress California. Is that correct?" The voice pod spoke.


"Launching pod in ten seconds." The female voice speaks.
The voice pod is like a Siri to humans.
Instead it's called Nevi. She knows each and every cupid.

It took ten minutes to travel from our dimension to California.
I grab my arrow bag and swing it over my shoulder.
There are two different kinds of arrows in the bag.

One to repel desire and one to cause desire.

One shaft is pointed at the end, shimmering gold: the arrow to of love.

The other, is the shaft which is blunt, tipped with lead.
The arrow driving desire away.

The only factor is, if a golden arrow hits someone, they have 30 days until it lets the power of the lead arrow to repel that desire given.
This was made just in case of mistakes of shooting the wrong person.

But it's rare that happens. Cupid's are great shooters. I'd say myself Is a great shooter. Well that's what I thought this morning.

Once I get to California, I follow the red dots travelling on the iMatch. These are my targets.
"You have reached your destination."

I take a big step off the pod, onto the gravel. "Thanks Nevi."
A large building is to my left, with a another to my right.
At the end of the alley is the Main Street. Behind me lead off to another street on the other side.

I watch as my targets line up to walk to each other. Looking on their information, they have never met. It will be love at first sight. I smile as I take my golden arrow out the bag. I start to walk up towards the street in front of me, closely watching the targets come closer.

I always love watching people instantly fall in love. You may think it's unusual of me, but if you saw what I saw, its a really beautiful, exciting thing.
Is that too weird for a boy to say? Well, it's said.

"They are getting closer." I say to myself. I hold up my bow ready to hit. At this point I am invisible to the human eye. With one last look at my watch, the man is right around the corner and the woman is going to appear in under a second.

Once I look up from my iMatch, the girl appears around the corner.
I shoot.

I watch as her eyes lift off her phone to the boy coming up in front of her. She looks stunned, like she's seen some beautiful angel of some sort. She tries to hide a smile as she looks right in his eyes.
She stops in front of him.
He notices her paused movement and slows down to a stop.

"Ah are you okay?" He asks her.

"Y-yeah.. yeah I am." She stutters.

I don't hear any feedback from my iMatch. Usually it tells me their heart rate and progress. Confused, I looked back at my iMatch.

Oh shit.

I watch in horror as the red target, had changed direction at the last minute. This girl that appeared must have been walking at the same time as her.

I immediately grabbed out my blunt lead arrow, aiming and shooting it straight at the boy she has just fallen in love with.

The boy clears his throat and looks behind her. "Ah okay, well that's good your okay, but I'm going to be late for work."
I watch as he gives a short smile, then keep walking, disappearing around the corner. The blunt arrow doesn't have an effect after you shoot someone with the desire arrow.

Now we are back to were we started.

I have to fix this. She's going to spend her 30 days trying to find that guy otherwise.

I had to make a move. Think.
Think fast.

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