ℂℌɑ℘ɫℯɾ 26

22 3 2

"Your him"


I freeze. I mean what can I say?
I can't deny it.
She knows now.
No back passes.

If I had the power of time I would probably turn it back right now.

"Why didn't you tell me it was you?" She pushes, putting her hands on her hips.

I turn on my heel starting to walk about to Leo's house as she follows behind me.

"Because it doesn't matter anymore." I say.

She grunts. "Yes it does. Whatever life I wrote for a WHOLE MONTH that I had, I think that matters!"

Leo's house wasn't far, just a few blocks down. Yet right now it feels ages away.
Unfortunately we can't run from problems that follow us.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" She exclaimed grabbing my arm, pulling me back.

I stop to look at her. My heart drops as she stares at me trying to remember who I was, but at the same time knowing everything that had happened.

"What happened in that month, Everton. What happened between us?" She asks me with a hard look.

I sigh, running my face overy hands. "You should know, you wrote it all."

"Is it true?" She whispers.

I nod.

She takes a breath. Her eyes flicker to the ground then back up to me.
She starts to continue to walk to Leo's house.

"Esma it was in the past, you have Leo now, your true match." I say calmly.

I follow after her as she walks faster. A thousand things are probably running through her mind at the moment.

When we reached Leo's house she unlocks the door with his spare key.

"Esma." I call.

She stops, concidering whether to shut the door.

I get to the porch steps, her back is facing me.

"Why is this affecting you so much? Your with Leo-" I start.

She snaps her head around to face me. "Because for the past two weeks I've been hung up on this mystery guy called Everton. Something inside me wanted to know. Leo is great, he's just my type. But then I met you and I wanted to find out more. And I did. And now I'm back to square one. Either the desire arrow didn't work or you didn't shoot it because I can't stop thinking about you." She breathes.


Am I hearing all of this correctly?

"You only just met me." I point out.

She gives me a disappointing look. "No you idiot. I knew you for a whole month. You pissed me off, you kissed me, we flirted, we argued, you met my parents, I kicked a door down." She frowns at that last bit.

"I may not remember. But it was true and it was written like it was yesterday." She yells.

I still don't understand why she's so caught up on it when she should be only thinking about Leo.
Maybe I should have shot the arrow.

"I'm scared I still have those feeling, stupid." She calls me.

My heart pounds. She still has feelings for me?

"And I don't know what to do." She whispers.

I stare at her shocked as she slowly breathes out and shuts the door.

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