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"Wings? You have..." She circles me, in utter shock.

"Wings." I finish.

She comes back around to face me. "Okay I'm obviously asleep. I need to wake myself up."

I smile, "Your not asleep. Try all you want. Now will you come with me?"

"Ϣoah, what just happened?" Esma jumped, instantly grabbing my arm for comfort.

As soon as she followed me into the transportation pod, I tapped on the cupid world route.

"Oh. Sorry." She realises, taking her hand quickly away.

I move my eyes back to the front of the pod. From the seat, we can see the outside, like the pod around us is Translucent. The earths ground was beneath our feet as we soar over buildings and roofs of houses. It started getting smaller and smaller.
Transitioning into our dimension, was the cause to startle her.

"Where's earth gone? Where's the ground?" She asks looking down past her feet.

"We have transitioned into another dimension." I say.

"Another what? No, this is ridiculous. I'm dreaming. Pinch me." She says closing her eyes, putting her hands to her forehead.

I frowned at her request, but slowly lifted my hand to gently pinch her skin.
"Ouch! What was that for?" She yelled at me.

"You told me to pinch you?" I say putting my hand back in my lap.

"Well... yeah, well not that hard." She frowns, turning her eyes back to the centre.

We sit in silence as we come up to the transportation side of the building.
Esma gets up to look more closely.
The building sits on green grass with paths to different areas of the building.
It spreads over a huge block of land.
Away from the building is small houses for the old, and the newly wed couples.
It reaches not too far out. If you try and go beyond, then you just head into space.
Which again, is different to Earth's galaxy.

"This is unbelievable." Esma mumbles up to the walls of the pod.

"We are coming to land in the transportation unit. Please stay seated." Nevi speaks.

Esma doesn't take her eyes off the sight as she sits down next to me.
"Who even is that voice?"

"Nevi? Oh, she's an intelligent personal assistant for our operation systems." I explain.

"So, like Siri?" Esma asks holding up her iPhone from her pocket.

"I'm insulted." Nevi speaks.

I chuckled. "A more advanced one."

"I sure am, Mr Jones- erm, Everton." Nevi corrects herself.

Esma still looks over to the landing bays, millions of pods are either exiting or landing along with us.

"If you stare out there any longer, that guy you ran into will get jealous." I point out, smirking to myself.

Esma shot me cold glare. "I hope he does, maybe he will come running back- Wait..."

We landing in the pod bay, still with so many Cupid's lining up for there mission.

"You, you!!!" Esma yells. "It was you who drove him away from me! That's the only explanation... I've heard stories. You have two arrows, one for desire and one to repel."

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