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"I can't believe my sister believes that! Never in a million years, if you were the last person on earth, would I do that." Esma exclaims, shaking her head. I thought she was over exaggerating and secretly denying it.

"Well, you certainly made it sound like it." I shrug.

I watched as she put the dirty plates into the dishwasher.
She thought for a second then looked at the clock and back at me. "When are you leaving?"

"In a few minutes, why?"

"Just wondering." she says.

I knew she was pissed off, and to fix that, of course she would go find her, cough, fake, cough, true love. Everyone goes to the company of their beloved when you've just been humiliated.

I plan to go find her after I check back at HQ. Hopefully it's found a match by now, otherwise the next people I'll meet is her parents.

"Well then, I'll head off-"

"Wait." Esma pauses. "At the big building... thing with magical Cupid's in it-"

"You mean the Cupid Matchmaking Association?" I interrupt.

She frowns at me. "Whatever. Why did they all have wings? Why are yours different?"

"Oh, here." I say tapping a button on my iMatch to take off the invisibility shield. "Since I'm mostly going to be in the human world, I tend to keep them hidden."

"They are amazing." She says, coming closer, examining them. "They are whiter then everyone else's."

"Yeah, because my father was born into Headquarters, and my Mother-" I stopped. It's been a long time since I've let her into my mind.
I never wanted to,
Because I knew that I'll never get her back.

"Your mother? What did she do?"

I shock my head and shrugged. "Can't remember." I lied. I knew exactly the answer. But I don't know all of them.

"Well, you should head off." Esma says, walking to the mirror, glancing at her reflection.
That is the first sign, that after I go, she knows what to fix up before she goes to see that boy.
I don't know what needs fixing, the hair? The makeup? It looks perfectly fine.
Girls worry too much. Once this world goes to shit, no one will have their precious resources, such as makeup. How interesting would that be, seeing all the females... and males, without their must need makeup.
That will be a sight to see.

"Well, I'll be watching." I say heading to the front door.

"That's called stalking. And I can sue you for that." Esma yells to me.

"Yeah well, good luck sweetheart." I chuckled, making my way out the house.


See what I mean? I could forget they aren't invisible. I switched the shield on, looking around to see if anyone was about.
No one.

I walked back to where I left Nevi.

"Still nothing?" I say surprised.

"Nothing." One of the Cupid's okay be computer next to mine said.

"Well we still have another 28 days." I shrug.

I glanced at my iMatch to see Esma is on the move. She's walking to a local cafe down the street from her house.
The bad part is, the repellent arrow effects only lasts one day.
So this boy will be agreeing to have a coffee with her.

I sigh, making my way to the transportation pods.

I glance in the window of the small cafe. Chairs and tables are set on the left hand side, while the counter and display of delicious food is on the right, in front of the door. I see Esma in the back corner, sitting with someone familiar.
Of course it's him. Who else would she see?

I casually walk in, not making any eye contact with Esma as I order a hot chocolate and muffin, sitting down at the table a few seats away from them.
At the corner of my eye I see Esma looking at me, wide eyed, instantly turning her back towards me, putting her hood up.

Doesn't she know that Cupid's are smart?

The boy in front of her digs into his cake. He doesn't even have manners.

The lady brought my food, and poke loud enough so Esma would have overheard.

"Here's your muffin and hot chocolate. Would you like anything else?" The young lady fluttered her fake eyelashes at me, smiling with her red lipstick.

I wonder if she had fluttered her eyes any longer, they would fly off.
That would be funny.

"Well, there is just one thing." I say, knowing that Esma is overhearing me.

"Anything." She says.

I then lowered my voice for only her to hear. "Could you bring a slice of cheesecake out for the girl with the hood over there. It's on me." I smile.
The woman's smile disappeared as she glares at Esma's back.

"Yeah sure." She said, frowning about my rejection.

"Thank you." I say aloud.

I glance at my iMatch which tells me pretty much everything about Esma. I don't go snooping on everything about her, but I saw that she really loves cheesecake.
I wouldn't want anyone snooping on my profile, so I won't on hers.

I watch as that same lady with the fake lashes brings the cheesecake to Esma.

"It's from the man over there." She says with jealousy, pointing to me.

I glanced at Esma, she glares back at me. I wink at her before finishing my muffin.

"What man?" Asks the boy that she's sitting with.

"A man who doesn't mind their own business." Esma replies a little loudly.

Oh but you are my business Esma. For thirty whole days.

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