Chapter 2: Found You

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⭐⭐I love this picture above. It gives the perfect vision of Damon for this story. He looks all shy and innocent😇. Just perfect. ☺

Bonnie’s Pov

Before I went out with Caroline I had to do a couple things first. I had already completed some paper work and now I was on my way to visit my parents. After my father stepped down from his Alpha position, him and my mother moved out of the pack house. They now stayed in a cabin out in the woods, next to the lake. I followed the stone pathway up to their door and knocked.

“Bonnie. What are you doing here?” my mom asked welcoming me inside.

Laura Bennet was a gorgeous woman. The pack was proud to have her as their Luna and my father as his wife. Everyone respected her and praised about how she was a caring and strong. My dad used to tell me that beside every strong Alpha is an even stronger Luna and he was right. I looked up to my mother as much as my father and for good reason.

“I wanted to check up on you guys. Where’s dad?” I said.

“In there watching the football game” she scoffed. I smiled while walking to the living room and saw she was right. He was sitting in his chair with his eyes glued to the TV.

“So, is this what you do after you retire?” I spoke sitting on the arm of his chair.

“Hey princess. What’s going on?” he questioned glancing my way.

“Nothing. I just finished some paperwork and training the pups. Caroline and I are going into town for a girl’s night out” I sighed getting up and going over to the sofa.

“You don’t seem so excited” he chuckled.

“I’m not. I really should be spending the night locked in my office going over the packs finance reports” I explained.

“Listen take it from someone who’s been there, every once in a while you need to step away from the pack and have fun. You’ll stress yourself out worrying about work so, much” he told me.

“I know dad” I breathed rubbing my neck.

“What else is bothering you?” he asked.

“My birthday’s coming up” I said giving him a knowing look.

“Patience Bonnie, your mate will come. Just give it time” my father spoke.

“Don’t you think six years is enough time dad. I’m tired of watching everyone find their other half while I’m stuck alone. When will it be my turn to be happy?” I grumbled.

“Soon. Sometimes it takes longer for others that’s all” he assured me.

“What if I never find my mate? I’ll be alone and the pack, we need an heir” I whispered.

“You’ll be okay princess” my dad sighed getting up to give me a hug.

“Thanks” I breathed.

“Anytime princess” he told me.

I spent a couple more hours with my parents before going home to get ready. I hadn’t been out in a while so, I was kind of happy. My father was right sometime being an Alpha could be stressing. When I finished showering I got dressed, did my hair and makeup.

The closer it came to nine the more nervous I seemed to get. By the time I was finished and made it downstairs I was rethinking this whole plan. But, just when I was about to lock myself in my office Caroline come strolling through the door.

"Oh you look really good Bonnie" she said smiling.

"Thanks, so do you" I sighed.

"Okay, you ready to go?"she asked taking my arm and leading me outside, to her baby blue Kia.

"Actually Care I'm not so sure about this. I have a lot of work to finish maybe we should do this another time" I mumbled.

"Your an Alpha Bonnie, you shouldn't be scared to go out and have a good time. You need to relax" she spoke glancing my way.

"Fine" I relented getting into the car.

The drive into town was a good 25 minutes. It did us best not to be so close to humans. They wouldn't react well to seeing a whole bunch of wolves running around in there backyard.

When Caroline pulled up to the place we were going to I noticed it wasn't to crazy. It looked like a really nice bar. We got out and headed inside. There were people drinking and having fun, some even dancing to the jukebox playing some 90's music.

"Let's go to the bar" Care said grabbing my hand. I took a seat on one of the stools. As I looked around I was hit with this magnificent smell of pine. It made my me shiver in pleasure as I breathed it in deeply.

"Bonnie are you okay?" my best friend asked looking at me with concern.

Ignoring her I stood up and glanced around to find the source of the hypnotizing aroma. When I did I was shocked to say the least. It was coming from a guy sitting in the back of the establishment. He looked like he really didn't belong in a place like this but, he was here and looked to be in his own world typing away on his laptop.

I felt it the moment my eyes landed on him. It wasn't that strong but, the bond was there. He was the person I've been waiting for since I turned eighteen.

"Bonnie what's wrong?" Care questioned.

"I found him" I whispered.

"Who?"she hummed.

"My mate" I breathed looking at her and smiling.


Second chapter and so, far I'm liking it. How about you guys? Next I'm doing Damon's  Pov  just to give you some insight on his personality for this book. Anyways, what do you think Bonnie's  going to do now that she's found her mate?




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