Part 4 - Get off me you're drunk

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Avalana Skylar Valerie

A week has passed everything went just normal, Apollo and I still act like a normal friend and nobody knows about the arrangement.

One of our friends from school invited us to party tonight at a bar, and I heard everyone is going to come to the party to have fun.

Diana is the one who's going to drive us to the bar tonight, she said she's going to pick me up at 9. It sounds wild when we go to a party every Friday, but trust it doesn't always like that.

I'm ready and now I'm waiting for Diana to pick me up. I've promised myself that I'm not going to get drunk tonight, I have plans for tomorrow. I don't want to ruin my Saturday morning by waking up late with blurry vision.

After a while, my phone suddenly rings and I can see Diana's face popped on my phone screen. I picked it up and she said that she is already outside. I turn the tv off then walk into the lobby,

"Get in bitch!" Diana shout at me and it makes me laugh.

I got into the car, I found that my girls look so gorgeous tonight. I don't know why do we have to go to a party so often, maybe because we're a bored teenager with so many free times.

I can tell that my parents don't care if I want to go to wherever I want, they won't care and they won't even ask me where am I. They will contact me if they have an important thing to tell by telling Emilia to contact me.

"Do you know Where the bar is?" I asked them.

"It's quite near," She said.

On the way to the bar, Diana and Sarah keep talking about Ezra's and Floyd's activity for next weekend and I'm just leaning onto the window while staring at the dark sky outside.

After a while we finally arrived, Diana parked her car a couple blocks away from the bar. We got into the bar together. I started to hear loud music, just like a normal party where everyone is chilling with one another.

I see Sarah is meeting Floyd while Diana is walking straight to the bar, I follow her and sit next to her. She orders a lemon squash for us, good cause sometimes being wild in our age isn't really good enough for our health.

"Hey, Lana is everything okay?" She asked.

"Everything is fine Diana why are you keep asking me that question?"

"Nothing babe just want to make sure," she smiles then drink her lemon squash.

After she take a sipped of it she pulls me by my wrist to follow her into the dance floor, but I refuse cause I'm not in the mood so I let her dance by herself. I laugh over her funny move until Ezra came and put his arm around her waist.

I look away then began to drink my lemon squash, I don't know but I always feel sad in the middle of a party like this.

How lonely am I?

running away from reality by partying with my friends, just because I feel so lonely in my own house. No parents and brother, they left.

"Hey" I heard someone greeted me then take a  seat right next to me, he is Bruce one of the students from our school.

I don't really pay attention to him cause I'm not in the mood to talk with anyone right now.

"Why are you sitting alone?" He asked.

"Sorry Bruce but not in the mood," I said before sipping on my drink.

He suddenly stands up and spins my seat to face him, I froze for a moment because I didn't expect that he's going to do this.

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