Part 35 - Couple time

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Avalana skylar valerie

All of us got back to the mansion and get really tired, Sarah is volunteering to make a dinner for us since I cooked this morning. Diana, Jace, Floyd and i are now watching the Tv with our fresh clothe on the living room waiting for the dinner. Floyd and i sometime take a look at sarah if she needs some help, but she keeps quite all the time while cooking the dinner.

Apollo, Justin and Ezra are playing a video games in Apollo's room. We can hear them shouting from down here, they're having a lot  of fun up stairs. I keep eating the chips while we're watching a family movie the grown up, we laugh so many times while watching this movie because it is so funny and interesting.

"I wonder what are we going to look like when we have a kids and reunion like that" Diana said while eating her snack.

"It'll be..., weird" Jace said.

"Huh I forgot there's still life until high school" Diana lean her head on the sofa.

College it's our next step into an adult world, the actual real world. I kinda feel scared to start a new thing without them actually, I'm staying at my comfort zone for too long.

"Bye guys I'm going to move out of the town" Jace said.

"I'm staying, Ezra too" Diana said biting the chip from her hand.

"Ugh so boring" Jace said while Floyd just laughing at both of Diana and Jace.

"How about you and Sarah?" Diana asked.

"I'm staying, sarah still thinking about it." He said.

"And you Lana?" She asked.

"Still don't know" i said.

"Do you want to take business just like your family line or?" Floyd asked.

"I don't know" i said, i do have a choice but i think it is better if i keep it by myself for right now.

No longer after that Sarah announced the dinner is ready, the four of us rush into the dining room. Sarah told Floyd to call the other upstairs which revealed Justin the first one who's running downstairs to grab the food.

All of us begin to eat together, the food is really good. Sarah is good at making food, it isn't just good it is great.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Justin asked.

But nobody answered to his question, all of us just stay in a silent while eating our dinner. I look at Apollo who's eating next to me, his eyes are looking at the food doesn't even look interest or realize that Justin just asked us a question.

"Hello?" He asked.

"I have an idea but i know you're going to hate it" Diana said.

"Just say it" Justin said.

"Couple quality time" Diana blurted which makes Justin burst into a laughter.

"hahahahah No" he finished his laughs which makes me laugh, this guy is so funny.

"Come on you can go to somewhere make some friends partying" Ezra said supporting his girlfriend.

"But do not, bringing a random girl to this house" Apollo suddenly speak.

"Okay okay what ever you're in jace?" He asked jace which him just nodded agreeing.

"Okay then" Justin said.

We finished the dinner and help each other to clean the dishes, after that Justin and Jace grab the keys and go out to somewhere. I hope they aren't going to do anything stupid that lead them into a problem.

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