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"Bye, Lil' Mama," Wolf whispers as he once again kisses Sapphire. She blushes from the public display and hugs him before the husbands leave the room. Sniper, I also call him Clarke- which is his given name- kisses the top of my head and strides out as well.

The club is leaving on a ride today, but the ladies decided to remain with Sapphire and little baby Sterling. She's not able to go on rides yet, since Sterling is in the hospital. Because Sterling was born prematurely, she still has to stay in the NICU.

When Hawk asked who'd volunteer to stay with us, Wolf wanted to speak up, but he needs to get out with his club brothers. Sapphire kept trying to get him to ride the last two rides, but he wouldn't leave her and the baby. So Hawk, our leader, and Sapphire told Wolf that he needed to take part in the ride. He hasn't participated in the last couple of runs.

Because of Sapphire's kidnapping, the NICU Sterling was born in isn't in our hometown. So, every week we drive up and hang out for a bit. Usually, the guys go on day-long rides.

This time, Clarke volunteered to guard the door today, making sure we're safe. I don't think anything would go down in a hospital, but from personal experience, betting on the hospital for safety isn't a sure bet. We're not in our territory, and Hawk wanted to be sure no one bothered us.

"Mama, come see the little baby!" Zeke, mine and Clarke's son, shouts, pulling on my arm.

Kneeling, I smile. "Buddy, you can't yell in a hospital. Use your inside voice."

Zeke gives me a wide-eyed, guilty expression, mumbling, "I'm sorry, Mama."

"It's okay, buddy." I kiss his forehead, so he knows I'm not angry. "Why don't you go play with Reece and Rosaleigh over on the couch?" I ask. Immediately, Zeke beams and grabs his Superman action figure.

"Rosa! I'm going to save you!" Zeke whisper-yells, running over to where Reece and Rosaleigh are playing. He's seven, and Reece and Rosaleigh, Emerald's twins, are four. It thrilled me when I found out Emerald had kids because Zeke doesn't have many friends other than a few at school. The primary reason being there aren't many children in the club right now.

However, Zeke has taken a shine to Rosaleigh, always wanting to spend time with her and asking me if she can come over. It's adorable.

"I totally ship them," Sapphire sighs happily as Zeke tucks some of Rosa's hair back behind her ear. Like I said, adorable.

Chuckling, I turn to Emerald and Sapphire. "Are you ready to take her home next week?" Emerald asks, looking over at the pink bundle. Sapphire takes a seat beside the baby bed and nods. Sterling has been in the hospital for about two-and-a-half months, and the doctor just this morning told Sapphire and Wolf they could bring Sterling home next week.

I'm sure they're tired of sleeping in this room or at the hotel they acquired. They're probably itching to get home. I know I would be.

"We're beyond ready. Sterling Skye is breathing well on her own now, and she's gained enough weight to stay warm without heating lights in the sleep unit," she informs us. We nod. Everyone was so worried when we heard that Sterling, after her psycho-ex kidnaped sapphire, was born prematurely. When the guys finally found her, she was going into labor.

The whole situation was scary, and we were all worried the baby wouldn't make it. So when she made it, the guys all showered her with gifts. If you've never seen big bikers buying pink outfits, frilly socks, and little stuffed animals, you haven't lived. It was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Oh, and this morning, she weighed 6 pounds and 9 ounces." Sapphire grins.

Emerald leans over to Sapphire and pulls her into a hug. "That's great; we're happy for you," Emerald coos. Sapphire smiles and looks at Sterling, who's sleeping, like usual.

She's such a quiet little thing. When I had Zeke, he was so loud all the time, whether he was crying or just making gurgling noises when trying to talk; then again, I had him on time. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Emerald leans back in her chair with a sigh and rubs her growing belly. "How are you doing, Em? About three months, right?" She nods, a big smile stretching her lips. Smiles are flying around right now from all the love in the air.

"Yeah. This pregnancy differs from the last, but that's probably because I've only got one bike in the garage," Emerald jokes with a pat to her belly, which makes us all laugh.

My eyes sweep across the room and land on Zeke. I watch as he plays with the twins, and when Rosaleigh falls, Zeke instantly stops whatever he's doing and helps her up. It makes me wonder what he'd be like with a younger sibling.

A hand touches my arm, pulling my eyes away from the kids. I turn back to the girls. "You okay?" They ask at the same time. I nod and give them a small smile.

"Just thinking. When Sniper and I first found out I was pregnant, he told me he wanted a bunch of kids," I answer, and they both nod, listening intently. We've become friends but never really talked about the past- or at least never talked about my past. It's not something I like to discuss, usually, and since all the guys know, we don't bring it up.

"But, we haven't talked about it since we had Zeke. I wonder if he wants more and isn't saying anything because he doesn't think I agree. Or maybe he just changed his mind when we had Zeke." I voice my inner thoughts. It's weird to think he'd change his mind, but daunting to think about asking him. What if he says he doesn't want another?

Sapphire takes my hand in hers and gently squeezes it. "I think you should talk to him about it, honey. You won't know until you ask."

Peering into her eyes, I see encouragement there. "You think?" I ask, and both of them nod. Exhaling, I lean back in my seat and glance over at the door. He's right outside. I could ask him now, but I should wait for a little more privacy.

It's not like we're too old to have kids. I turn twenty-five this year, so we still have plenty of prime years left. So I promise myself that I'll bring it up to Clarke tonight after we put Zeke down.

Even if it's just to clear the air and make a final decision, we need to talk.

"Speaking of you and Sniper, what's your story? How did you two meet?" Sapphire asks, curiosity overcoming her features as her eyebrows tick up. "I know Emerald and Hawk's story, but you never told me yours." I nod and take a deep breath. If anyone would understand and not judge me, it'd be these girls.

"Well, it's a complicated story," I reply, and Sapphire claps her hands.

"Oh, do I need to get popcorn, or do I need tissues? Ooh, do I need to get a pregnancy pillow to make sure Emerald doesn't fall over?"

Odd question. Em isn't even big enough to fall over because of a pregnant belly.

Chuckling, I shake my head and smack her arm. "No, but I guess since we're here for the next several hours, I have time." She smiles and leans back in her seat, keeping her eyes on me. Emerald mirrors her movements, settling in, even though she's already heard some of my story.

"When I was seventeen, I moved to Redwater...."

Ruby SAMPLE -PUBLISHED  (Blackhawk MC Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now