Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


The car rolls to a stop, causing me to look up. My new house, well, our new house. My eyes flicker to my mom and dad, who sit in the front seats. Mom is on the phone talking to a client, as usual, and now that we're parked, Dad is on his phone too.

When he finishes his message, he glares back at me. "Why are you just sitting there? Go inside," he orders. I nod and scramble out of the car.

Mom's design team moved all of our stuff last week, except for the bags currently in the trunk. I study the mansion and sigh. It's just another big house with those gaudy outdoor chandeliers and big white columns. Both of my parents are wealthy; my mother has an Interior Design business. My father is the new surgeon at Redwater Hospital in town.

From what I saw when we drove through, it's a relatively middle-sized town. Not too big or too small. No matter the size, it still passed the different areas of wealth as we drove in.

Being the snobs they are, my parents wouldn't lower themselves to live anywhere other than in a mansion. I'd prefer to live somewhere more practical and homier. Sometimes our houses are too big, and I could even describe them as empty, even though we've got a million things.

My opinion doesn't matter, though; it never does.

"I said get inside," my father barks, forcing me out of my thoughts. He glares again, and my heart skips a beat.

"Yes, sir," I mumble, rushing inside. I run up the stairs and peek into each room before finally finding mine. I enter quickly and close the door behind me, leaning my back against it, sliding down, and closing my eyes to listen for any sign of following footsteps. When I hear nothing, I force my breathing back to normal and survey my room.

The room is large- big surprise- and the walls white. The bed sits in one corner of the room, white and grey covers and pillows adorning it. String lights, already plugged in, run along the tops of the walls. Next to the window, there's also a hanging chair; imagine what it would look like if a porch swing had a baby with a hammock.

Beside my bed, my desk holds my computer, a lamp, books, and office supplies. They pushed my usual chair up to the desk with my favorite blanket draped over the back.

My eyes flicker to the other side, where my vanity sits next to my closet door. A sizable, lighted mirror tops the vanity with shelves right next to it that hold makeup, curling and flat irons, a brush, and other products I might need to get ready each day.

Standing, I walk over to the door of my closet and pull it open, revealing the most oversized walk-in closet I've ever seen. Like I said, my parents have money, and to make up for neglecting me, they buy material things; well, at least that's why my mom does it. My dad has a whole different reason for throwing his money at me.

The design team already hung all of my clothes up in the closet. Jeez. Couldn't they have let me at least organize my clothes? It's weird to think one of Mom's goons touched all my clothes. I shake my head and continue looking around the closet.

The chandelier is overkill, as is the significant white island containing jewelry and other accessories sprawled across the surface. It reminds me a bit of the closet Mia gets in Princess Diaries. Honestly, I don't use half of this stuff my parents buy me. They'd be better off not wasting their money, but they don't listen to me.

I leave the closet to check the bathroom. If it's anything like the rest of the room, I'm sure it's huge. Everything so far has been in color schemes of white and grey, and the bathroom is no different. Some walls are white, and some are grey. The counters and floor are made of white marble, I think, and tile that has grey flecks on the surface. The shower is a stand-up glass shower with a big tub next to it.

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