Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


As soon as the bell rings, I rush out of the room. I can feel eyes on me, and I think I know who it is. I felt his gaze, like a burning blaze of curiosity, on me throughout the entire class period. After Sniper gave me the pen, I didn't look back at him. I wanted to because he's gorgeous. I forced myself to pay attention to the teacher by reminding myself of Dad's rules.

"Hey!" Someone yells. "New girl!" The same voice calls, making me cringe. It's him. It's him! Why is he following me? I dodge past people, and when I find my next classroom, I choose a seat at the back, releasing a breath and closing my eyes.

Something- rather, someone- touches my arm, making me jump again. I'm not used to people touching me. I open my eyes to see Sniper standing in front of me, and I feel my heart leap from... shock? Confusion? I don't know, but I didn't expect him to stalk me to my next class.

Then, in the next second, I realize he probably wants his pen back. I should've figured that sooner. If I had, he might've left me alone. Just give him the pen, Ana!

I lift my hand, my gaze catching onto my finger's shaky death grip on the pen. I try to take a breath to steady my hand, but it continues to tremble.

And why wouldn't it? I ran from him, stealing his pen, which isn't a great idea since he's several inches taller than me. He's big enough that he could crush me because I'm only five foot six and could be described as small compared to this giant. The thoughts from earlier- about him being able to cause me a lot of pain- flitter through my mind.

Again, I shove it away. This guy has done nothing to show he might be violent. Realistically, I know I can't judge everyone based on my father's actions.

He smiles and shakes his head when I try to pass him the pen more insistently this time. "You can keep it," he says, sitting in the chair beside me, holding his hand out to me, "People call me Sniper." I stare at his hand for a minute before peering at his face again.

Like I said, he is gorgeous. Those stormy blue eyes pull at something inside me. Something deep, deep down, right in the middle of my chest. Something foreign.

"See something you like?" The question is a bucket of ice water thrown at me. Again, heat creeps up my neck and settles on my cheeks, probably turning them the same red as my hair. I duck my head so he won't see, but it's probably too late. Jeez. What is it about this guy?

Sniper chuckles, and I feel his fingers curl under my chin briefly before he tilts my face, making me look at him. "Don't be embarrassed, Ruby."


"I don't think I've ever seen someone with hair this red before," he comments, tucking a stray tendril of my barrier behind my ear to expose more of my face.

My breath catches, and my brain screams, he's touching you!

Why is he doing this?

My heart skips a beat as his fingers linger on my cheek. I don't move. Don't breathe. His touch is soft, a brush of fingers that sends little goosebumps racing across my skin.

The better question is, why do I like it? I know I should pull away, but I feel safer with this guy than I have in a while. I don't think he'd hurt me.

Sniper studies my face, and his smile slips. "You gonna say anything?" My eyes widen. Ana, you're breaking the rules. Dad told me not to talk or interact with anyone; to stay in the shadows. If he finds out, he'll be so angry that the thought of it makes me grimace.

Without looking back, I run. Sniper calls out for me again, but I don't stop. I can't. I can't make friends, and I can't like anyone.

Memories of what happened to my last friends push me to put more distance between the dreamy boy and me. Dad threatened my friends from my previous school and said he'd have them arrested if they ever came on his property again. They'd come to wish me a happy birthday and bring me a gift, and all they got in thanks was a threat to their safety. Jax, one guy in the group, had acted angry and protested until my father took his phone out. That's when they all gave in.

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