Chapter 4

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Ughh, my parents are arguing again and Sebastian is suppose to be here any minute.  The door bell suddenly rings. "I'll get it!" I yell to my parents in the kitchen.

I opened the door and there was Sebastian carrying a duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Hey Sebastian."

"Hey Jamie."  He smiled at me.  I led him inside and showed him where he could take his shoes off.

"Are those your parents?"  My parents were still yelling at each other, obviously not aware that the door bell had rung at all.  "What are they saying?"

"Oh, its nothing.  They're just arguing about stupid stuff.  They do that a lot."  My parents were speaking in Russian.  They usually only speak Russian here at home.

"Hey mom, dad.  This is my friend Sebastian.  He's the friend I told you guys about."

My mother and father stopped arguing and looked at me.  My mom then changed completely and had a smile on her face.  "Well hello Sebastian.  I'm Jamie's mother.  And this is Jamie's father."

Sebastian looked nervous.  He replied, "H-hi, maam and sir.  It's n-nice to meet you."  I think Sebastian may have a slight stutter when he's nervous.

"Oh Sebastian, you can just call me Aana," my mom chuckled.

"Alexei," my father quickly muttered as he raised his hand in a slight wave.

"Well, make yourself at home.  There are some latkes over there if you want some."  She pointed over to a plate at the center of a table.

I walked over and grabbed a napkin and put a few of the latkes on it for Sebastian and I.  "Come on, lets go up to my room."  I led him up to my room and sat on my bed.

"Well your parents seemed nice."  Sebastian sat next to me on the bed after putting his duffel bag down.

"Ya, they're pretty nice when they aren't arguing...So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, what do you have?"

"Well..."  I looked around my room for anything we could do.  "I have my computer.  We can play some games online if you want."


We went online for awhile playing random flash games we found on websites.  Afterwards, we went to YouTube and watched some Markiplier.  We mostly just watched horror videos of his.

"Boys! Come down.  It's time for dinner."  I looked up at the clock and saw that it was 7pm already.  I guess I lost track of time.  I really liked hanging out with Sebastian.  He wasn't like the other kids at my school.  Most of the kids there thought the things I liked were boring.  Sebastian though seemed different.  He not only liked the same things as me, but I'd even say he liked them more than me.

I walked down stairs with Sebastian.  We both sat at the table in my dining room. Since I was having a friend over, my mom decided to order pizza.  I had two slices of cheese while Sebastian grabbed a cheese pizza and a pepperoni pizza.

Most of dinner was just mindless chatter.  But my mom did ask Sebastian a few questions about him.  He seemed to not be as nervous as he was before.

After dinner, me and Sebastian went upstairs to get ready for bed.  We took turns showering.  Sebastian went in first, then I went in after.  When I came back to the room, I saw Sebastian sitting on my bed.  He looked confused.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked.

"Oh, ya.  I was just wondering where I should sleep."

"Well, you can sleep on my bed if you want.  I'll just sleep on the floor."  He was my guest and I wasn't about to make him sleep on the floor.

"What?!  I couldn't just take your bed and make you sleep on the floor."  He seemed adamant about this.

"Fine, how about we just both sleep on my bed.  Its big enough for the two of us."  I relented.

"B-but, wouldn't that know...weird?"

"How so?" I asked slightly confused.

"Well...cause we're both boys."

"Well, I don't mind.  Who cares if we're boys.  We're friends.  Do you mind?"  I asked him genuinely.

"W-wah...n-no.  I don't mind if it's fine with you."  He blushed and looked at the floor.

"It's settled then."  I pulled back the covers and got underneath them.  I patted the spot next to me indicating for Sebastian to follow.

He turned off the lights and then came over and then laid down next to me.


"Goodnight," he replied.


Later I woke up hearing noise beside me.  I looked over and saw that Sebastian was moving in his sleep.  It looked like he was having a nightmare.

"Hey...Sebastian...Sebastian! Wake up."  He jumped awake with this scared look in his eyes.  "You ok?"

"Ya...just had a nightmare."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Nah, it's fine.  It was nothing."

"Do you usually have nightmares?"


"Will you be able to go back to sleep?"


"Here, I'll stay up until you fall asleep."

He turned and faced me saying, "You don't have to do that.  I'm ok.  Really."

"I want to."


We layed there just staring at the ceiling.

"Hey Jamie."



"For what?"

"For being my friend."

I smiled and turned on my side to reply, but I saw that his eyes were already getting drowsy.  "Yeah," was all I said.  His eyes closed as he drifted to sleep.  I turned back and looked at the ceiling.  I thought about the last week and how much my life had changed.  I was glad that I had met Sebastian.

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