Chapter 39

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Warning; there will be uncomfortable situations in this chapter.

I opened the door of my bathroom to reveal Aiden and Ms. Winthrop still having a conversation. They both looked at me, and Aiden motions me to come forward.

Ms. Winthrop had a beautiful red satin dress, that was poufy and long. The train of her dress trails at least a foot behind her, and she had a white faux fur scarf that was elegantly wrapped around her elbows from the back.

"Greetings, my dear," she introduces to me, rubbing my upper arm the moment I've reached their meeting bubble.

"This is Isaiah's date, Aubrey Watson," Aiden says.

She nods at me willingly, and looks at my dress from top to bottom.

"This is a stunning dress you have on dear," she mutters, admiring the beaming sparks from the white dress.

"Thank you," I smiled, "Landon actually bought it for me."

She propped a smile on her thin red lips, "I've heard."

As I kept my eyes on Ms. Winthrop, I felt a weird tension on my shoulder. Something about the weird vibe told me not to turn around, and ignore it.

Something about the tension told me to leave.

"Speaking of Landon," I started, "I have to go talk to him about something. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Winthrop."

I waved goodbye at Aiden and turned my back towards the uneasy feeling, walking away from it as soon as possible.

I found myself regretting my decision as soon as I felt a hand around my wrist, pulling my body into the storage room that Landon and I was not too long ago. My breath stopped as the figure leaned against me, hand in front of my face.

It didn't take me long to recognize the bright blue eyes and scruffy chin. Charles had my body pinned against the shelves, his eyes glaring straight into my eyes. There was something about Charles that made me immediately feel defeated.

"Hey there, beautiful," he growls, leaning his lips towards my right ear.

I looked up at him, trying not to show my fear.

I can feel his cold hands brushing against my arm, trailing down to my hand. With a jolt of surprise, he grabs both of my wrists, pinning them above my head and his other hand continues to travel around my body.

"Scream and I'll make sure your father gets arrested for not paying me back," hissed Charles.

I pressed my lips together, looking at him with my toughest expression. But on the inside, I felt helpless. I felt hopeless. There was nothing I was able to do.

I blinked back the tears as Charles continues to put his hands where they didn't belong. There must be something I could do.

I felt his hand trail behind my neck, unzipping the dress from the top to my waist.

The moment I felt the world crashing down around me, there was only one thing that occurred into my mind.

I kicked upwards.

Then I kicked again, hoping to land between his legs.

Third attempt and Charles finally stumble back, clutching onto his stomach as his shoulder hits against the shelves behind him. I growled as tears gushed down my face uncontrollably. I brought my right leg up towards his stomach and kicked him against the metal shelf, before picking up the bottom of my dress for myself to freely run without tripping.

My throat tightened as I clenched my teeth, trying my hardest not to gather any attention towards my quiet sobbing. I gripped the knob on the door and busted it open, running towards the place I felt the most protected.

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