Chapter 41

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After that night, a week went by without any of us speaking out about what happened. Austin managed to convince our father to let him get a part time job, in order to help pay at least just a little portion of our debt. The deal only went through for Austin to work, and for me to only focus in school.

Landon and I exchanged a few normal conversations, but we somehow kept our distance. Meanwhile, Colton, Bella and I caught up the past few days about all the stuff that happened when we were all separated. I couldn't work up to nerve to tell them about the debt though, there was possibly no way they would've sit still hearing about it.

Colton's current girlfriend is named Cathy Johnson. He explained to Bella and I about their two year long relationship, until they had to deal with long distancing ever since she's moved away. I didn't feel quite as bad as I did back when I felt a certain way towards Colton. There was something in my heart and told me thanked the lord that Colton and I didn't work out. I couldn't necessarily put my tongue on it though.

I opened the door into my Pre-Calculus class and did the usual. Walked to my seat, casted Landon a small smile, and proceeded to take note from our lousy teacher. Our classmates got use to the friendship between Landon and I. At first, they found it odd and disgusting that Landon was hanging out with a wallflower like me, but after time has passed; no one really bother to give it anymore attention.

I bit the top of my lip, tapping the lead of my pencil against the paper as I studied the equation in front of me. With a sigh, I wrote down the answer to our example question and put down the pencil, leaning back against my chair to slightly stretch out my back.

"So," I heard Landon whisper towards me, "Is your phone number still the same?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the random question, and squinted my eyes as I blew him the word "Yes."

I just watched him as he nodded and casually returns his attention to his phone.

Landon was an odd student. He never takes notes, barely pays attention in class, however would end up with an almost perfect score on his tests. He's that kid.

I didn't think much about the question he just asked me earlier, I didn't think much about the thing between us either. Yes, we've shared a few kisses but for some reason it felt normal to be around with him. It felt like we were together, but not together.

I leaned back against my seat and stared at the white board with an unamused expression. Mr. Winston was still on his little rampage about the horrible test scores that everyone had gotten during the last test.

"So what did you do with the dress," Landon speaks up again, finally putting his phone into the pocket of his. He looked over at me, turning his body slightly to me as I kept my eyes pinned straight onto the board in front of us.

"It's in my closet," I responded, not really caring about his curiosities.

I can see Landon nodding at me from my peripheral vision.

- - -

I yawned as I threw my body back against my bed. Stretching my arms about and releasing a loud groan, I rolled over to the side and covered my face with the pillow. I decided that if I closed my eyes and fall asleep, dad and Austin would come home soon.

The house felt lonely without Austin around. It usually is just always us two in this small house; but now that he's got a part time job, there's not one else but me.

Just as I was about to drift off to Neverland, my phone chimed, alerting me that there was an incoming call.

"Seriously," I hissed underneath my breath as I reached over to my phone that was resting at the corner of my bed. Without even looking at the contact, I swiped answer on the call and pressed it against my ear.

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