Bill's Return

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(Luna's POV)

It was about a month since I had the deal with my mother, and Gravity Falls is back to as normal as it ever was. I was hanging out in the woods with my moon bat Cosmo, when I heard a scream come from the Mystery Shack 

"KILL HIM WITH FIIRRRREEEE!" I heard Mabel scream and I ran to the Shack, and saw a triangle almost as tall as her

"Tell me where Luna is Shooting Star, or there is going to be some big trouble," It said 

"Leave her alone," My held fire in my hands and my eyes turned red

"Whoa Luna! You don't recognize me?" The triangle narrowed his eye

"I think I would remember if I ever saw a talking triangle!" I yelled

"Oh right!" The triangle had a human form, and I have to say, I was shocked to see who he really was 

"Daddy!" I ran up and hugged him

"How's my little Luna?" He said

"I missed you so much!" I cried into dad's jacket

"Pull yourself together!" My dad laughed

"Come on, let's go home," Dad opened a portal to a dimension full of different demons

"No," I said 

"What?!" Dad yelled

"I wanna stay here with Dipper!"

"What did you do to her Pine Tree?!" Dad punched Dipper

"He didn't do anything! I actually want to say here!" I yelled

"Well your coming to this dimension with me wether you like it or not!" Dad snapped his fingers and I passed out 

(Dipper's POV)

"Give her back!" I tried grabbing Luna's arm, but she was out of my reach

"Sorry Pine Tree! My daughter isn't going to be with some meat suit!" Bill laughed and took Luna and stepped through the portal

"We have to get her back!" I growled

"Dipper, there is no way we can," Mabel put her hand on my shoulder

"There has to be!" I felt my eyes sting, I was actually crying 

"The portal was destroyed, there isn't a way to get her back," Mabel said

"We have the blueprints, why can't we rebuild it?!" 

"Even if we were smart enough, it's to dangerous! Who knows what world the portal could open up to!" 

"I don't care! I'm not going to let you stop me just because your to scared!" I grabbed the journals and went down to Grunkle Ford's lab. It was dusty and covered in cobwebs, but I still had to get Luna back, so I just have to deal with it.

(Luna's POV)

I woke up in a room that was completely blank, except for windows and a door. I looked out the window and was literally almost blinded by the flashing lights. Once my eyes adjust, I saw so many casinos, clubs, hotels, restaurants and hotels I thought I was in Vagas

"How ya like it?" I looked towards the doorway and there was dad, leaning against the frame

"It's blinding, that's for sure," I mumbled

"Listen, I know you wanted to stay with Pine Tree, but imagine how that would dirty the Cipher name. My daughter falling in love with a pathetic meat suit, imagine the ridicule we would get," Dad said

"Fine, but tone the lights down," I said, and made the city a bit darker, "At least I can see now."

"Design the room anyway you want, we are royalty here," Dad grinned like the Cheshire Cat and walked out

I made the room look like the inside of the Mystery Shack, so I would at least remember Gravity Falls. I looked at a picture on my phone that Dipper and I took together before this whole mess started

(3 years later) 

I was partying with one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride

"I'm you want something from the bar?" I asked

"Vodka!" Pride laughed

I went up to the bar and ordered a bottle of vodka and red wine, cause here, you bought stuff by the bottle. I gave Pride her vodka and we chugged it down. We both went to my place after a couple hours and several bottles of liquor. I flopped on my bed and Pride collapsed on a beanbag chair

I woke up the next morning with a migraine. I saw a huge tear of light in my room, and I, still a little drunk grabbed a book bag with snacks, some clothes, and my phone, and jumped through it. And, to my surprise, Dipper caught me

"Are you ok?" Dipper asked

"Dipstick, keep it down, I am having a huge hangover right now," I groaned

"She's not good Dips," I heard Mabel, and I finally passed out

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