Are you a princess?

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Laura is the kind of girl that could lift the mood of even the grumpiest person.
Her smile was infectious, and she was almost always in a good mood.

We were like opposites. I guess opposites do attract after all.

We have been friends for a week now, and it has been wonderful.

She is my first friend ever, and I'm seventeen. That's how bad it's been.

I walk out of my foster home in a hurry so I can catch the bus to school.
This is the first time I don't feel annoyed about going to school.

So I don't wear black as usual.

My mood wasn't dark.

It was light.

I wear a white short sleeveless dress with blue patterns.

At lunch I sit with Laura as usual.

She is dressed in a brown knee length dress today, and stunning silver colored heels.
They look like they must have cost a fortune.
This girl must be loaded. Her red hair is tied into a bun.

"So what's the foster home like?" She asks me taking a sip of her orange juice

"It's ..... You know...terrible" I reply with a shrug.

She smiles.

"You should come live with me" she says instantly.

I spit out my juice and it goes splashing all over the table.

"What?" I ask in shock

"Eew, you piggy , look what you did " she says moving her tray away from where the juice had spilled on the table.

"Well it's your fault for dropping something like that while I have juice in my mouth" I say with a smirk and start to fish out tissues to clean up.

"What's so shocking about coming to live with me? I've had friends live in our house for months and my parents have never objected" she says pushing her tray aside as I wipe her side of the table with a tissue.

I observe her.

"You are such a nice person" I say with a smile.

I sigh sadly

" but I can't, even if I want to. I can't leave foster care until I'm eighteen. And I just turned seventeen two months ago."

She pouts and furrows her eyebrows

"awwww. It would have been so much fun" she says as if dismissing the idea.

"I could get permission to spend weekends at your place. I'm sure it won't be a big deal, since we are in the same school" I say quickly.

I'd really love to visit Laura's home.

She does a weird dance with her hands and shoulders and gives me an excited look.

"That's great! You should come over after school today before going to foster. I'd show you your room" she says almost squealing.

I start to laugh at her silly dance but then stop abruptly.

"My what?"

"Your room silly. Don't worry, you'd understand when you come over" she says with the wave of her hand. And I'm about to say something but I stop myself.

Patience Michelle. It's not such a big deal. It's just staying with a friend. You've done that before right?


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