Chapter 17.

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We remained quiet until Dean parked at the Wayne Tower and we arrived at our floor. Once again I saw Mary waiting for me.

"Is this becoming a habit?" I joked and Mary swatted at my arm.

"This isn't funny!" She blamed me and I actually laughed.

"Tell me something I don't know." She pulled me in for a quick hug as well.

"I won't bother you too much today, but just know that if you need to talk about it or whatever you might need, I'm here." She encouraged me and I couldn't help but hug her again.

"I know, thank you."

Mary let go of me and we discussed today's workload and headed downstairs to do some work.

The day was spent mostly in silence and the others helping me wherever they could so I wouldn't have to face the outside world. By the time we got off work the sun began to set and Dean offered me a ride home which I gladly accepted.
Mary joined us as well, insisting that we'd spent the evening together talking everything through since we didn't really get a chance to do so at work.

Therefore we stopped at a Mexican restaurant, got some food and made our way over to my apartment. We settled down in my living room and started off by devouring the freshly made food.

After that I opened up a bottle of wine which Mary and I emptied rather quickly.

"He comes back tomorrow right?" Mary asked and I nodded. "Are you going to confront him about it?"

I bit my lip, considering the pros and cons of confronting him.

"No..." I concluded and Mary rose her eyebrows in surprise.

"Why not?!"

I understood Mary, I really did. He had been an ass and he deserved to be told off, but honestly who was I to do so?

"I was just a toy for him to play with. Confronting him won't be embarrassing for him, only for me, because then he knows that I actually cared." I shrugged and both of them sighed, not having any arguments to refute what I said.

I sighed as well and sunk deeper into the couch.

"But goddamn it sucks to be dumped by him flying off with the entire Moscow Ballet!" I exclaimed and we all laughed at that.

Dean and Mary stayed until 11pm and then left. Of course, we still had to go to work the next day, although I dreaded leaving my house again in the morning. Dean offered me to pick me up, but I refused. Maybe the press would be after Bruce when he arrived at the airport. And even if they weren't, I couldn't hide from them forever.

So when the morning came I was ready to face the consequences of my actions. I got ready and made sure that the press couldn't find any hint of sadness on my face. Then I left the building through the front door.

As expected there weren't as many reporters as the day before. Surely they would all wait for Bruce to arrive at the airport. Well, good for him.

Of course, I was bombarded with questions once I left my apartment, but I ignored all of them and casually walked over to the train station where I left the reporters behind.

When I arrived at the Wayne Tower there were even more people armed with their cameras, but just as before I simply passed by them and let them take their pictures of me.

After a while I disappeared in the Wayne Tower and a deep breath, I had not realised I held in, escaped my mouth. I regained my composure and walked over to the elevator that took me up to my office.

Today no one was waiting for me in front of my office and I felt relieved, because now I could pretend it was just another work day like everyone else.

I sat down at my desk and started the computer, I still had some paperwork left to do from yesterday, so I decided to start my day off by doing that.

For a while I worked in silence, without thinking about whatever might be going on outside of the building. Until there was a knock on the door to my office. Before I could even say anything, the door flew open and revealed Bruce standing in the hallway.

"Uhm excuse me?" I asked after staring at him in shock.

"What is this about?" He threw me a newspaper on the table and I looked at the title page which featured a huge picture of me and Dean hugging with a headline saying:

"Wayne drama continues? Who is the mystery man?"

My eyes widened.

"This is a tabloid." I shrugged and tossed the paper back onto the table.


"So, I'm saying that this is bullshit. But more importantly..." I rose from my chair. "What is it to you who I'm spending my time with?"

Bruce brows furrowed and his eyes looked at me with confusion. I laughed.

"Oh you think I haven't heard of it? Do you really think no one would notice if the entire fucking Moscow ballet goes missing, especially with someone like you?" I shook my head.

"I don't know what you think this was, but whatever it has been, now it's over." I pushed the newspaper into his hands and expected him to leave my office. Bruce looked at me for a while until I pointed towards the hallway with my head.

" was..."

"A business trip? What kind of business trip may I ask? Pretty sure, it was on a purely professional basis. You being a ballet dancer and all." I rolled my eyes.

"It's not what you think."

"Then what is it!" I raised my voice. I started to get frustrated myself. What was his deal?!

"I honestly was in Asia for business purposes...but I can't tell you what exactly it was..." I cut him off with a high pitched laugh.

"No. I don't want to hear it, Bruce. I've had enough of your false promises. You're manipulative and I don't need people like you in my life. If you're not going to leave now, I will." I stated and motioned towards the hallway once again where Mr. Fox appeared.

"What is going on here?" He questioned me with a stern voice and I shot Bruce a look of reproach.

"Nothing Mr. Fox. We're done here." Bruce announced, nodded towards Mr. Fox and then left.

Judging from his attire Mr. Fox had just arrived from the airport as well, but I didn't want to think about this topic any further. When I turned to head back into my office I saw Dean and Mary standing down the hallway, but I ignored them for now. I knew I would get told off for this kind of behaviour in the office. Even though it wasn't even my fault.

I closed the door behind me and dropped back down on my chair with a deep sigh.


Did anyone still believe that this story would get updated one day? Me neither. Writing has been pretty tough for me in the second half of this year, so I'm not gonna make promises for the next (with finals coming up in less than a month for me).

This chapter is short, but I thought it's better than uploading nothing at all.

I hope all of you had a nice Christmas (if you're celebrating) and that we all see each other again in 2018!

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