Chapter 27.

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I stared out the window in silence, watching the snow fall to the ground. It had been months since I had left Gotham. Weeks since I've talked to my parents, weeks since I've spent more than a few days in one place, constantly on the run.

Shortly before I departed from the airport in Gotham I had called my family and told them to hide themselves. Of course they were shocked and didn't understand what was going on. They don't know anything about the criminal scene there, so I told them that I got pulled in because of my job. Which was the truth, but obviously that wasn't the whole story. But there had been no time.

I told them what I could, before telling them I wouldn't contact them for a while, then I discarded my phone and got onto the plane. Trying to get out of the Joker's reach as fast as possible.

After landing I got myself a car, with a false passport of course. Alfred had given it to me before he had left me at the airport. I didn't know how Bruce managed to get a false passport in the short time that he knew of my departure, but I guess that was just another perk of him being rich and influential.

I wouldn't even have know where to get one, so Bruce managed to do much more for me than I had asked of him once more.

But now we haven't spoken and I've only seen him on the news a few times. Apparently he had just started dating some random professional tennis player. At least he seems to be doing well. That was all I cared about. Although I still couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that was rushing through my veins every time the thought of them crossed my mind.

I called my family from time to time when I found a phone booth and every time I heard that they were well and that nothing had happened relief washed over me.

Of course I had seen news of the Joker too. He was way too famous all over the world because of his evil plans now. Just recently he had tried to blow up two ferries. Luckily, Batman was there to stop him from doing so.

Thinking of the past events shook me out of my daze and I pushed myself up from the window sill to walk over to my bed for tonight. I had gotten here just a few hours ago, a small town not too far from Metropolis, the realms of Superman.

I couldn't tell you why, but staying close to another superhero made me feel safe. Although I knew that Metropolis was far from crime free as well, which is why I decided to keep a safe distance to it.

After getting comfortable on my bed, I decided to turn on the news, curious to see if there would be any stories about Gotham or a certain billionaire.

The newscaster had just finished talking about the stock exchange and the recent developments, as always before the actual news start, when they switched back to the studio.

„And now the newest information on the kidnapping of Harvey Dent who's been missing for more than 6 hours now."

I sat up straight in my bed, hastily getting closer to the TV. What?

„After the tragic death of Commissioner Loeb, it seems that the police has been unable to reorganize just yet , being unable to find any clues of Harvey Dent's whereabouts."

The newscaster was interrupted by a short film showing a police officer's statement about the status of their investigation, of course without any interesting information.

Immediately after the initial shock, I jumped off the bed and grabbed my still untouched suitcase. Grabbing the key to my room from the table, I pulled on my jacket and headed to the front desk of the hotel I was staying in.

„I need to check out." I informed the young man on the other side of the counter who looked at me with wide, confused eyes.

„But you just checked in." He told me matter-of-factly and I rolled my eyes.

„I am aware. I'm checking out now though, so if you'd be so kind." I insisted while handing him the key, making it obvious that I was in a hurry.

He mumbled something under his breath about the police showing up when I'd be gone, but I didn't care about his prejudices and suspicions about someone on the run like me. I needed to get to the airport.

After a few minutes he was finally done and I thanked him, before hurrying outside and hailing a cab, telling the driver to take me to the closest airport we then headed straight to Metropolis.

The city that always seemed so bright in comparison to Gotham on the various posters advertising it's businesses and tourist attractions looked much darker in reality when we rushed through it's dimly light streets now that the sun had already set.

I still tried to get a good look at the well known buildings during the short ride, but failing mostly.

After we left the town again, the airport appeared within sight quickly and I got out of the taxi as fast as I could, just throwing the roughly calculated amount of money needed to pay in the direction of the driver.

Checking the boards, I rushed over to the information desk, asking for the next flight to Gotham and to my surprise there were still available seats.

The lady behind the counter informed me that I had to hurry through the security right away, because the gate was already open and I rushed there with my carry-on luggage in tow.

Thankfully, the line for the security check was rather empty at this hour as well and I got through quickly. The walk to the gate took me a few minutes, but I still managed to arrive on time, finally resting in one of the seats.

It was a middle seat, but I didn't really mind. The flight would only take a couple of hours and I had other things to worry about.

Shortly after the last few people had settled in their seats, we took off and it was only in the middle of the flight that I realised what I was doing.

I was heading back to Gotham. No place to stay and with danger awaiting me everywhere I go. And for which reason?

Sure, Harvey was missing and I knew him fleetingly. I wanted to help. 

But there was no way I could help. I had been an office worker, not a police officer. I wasn't Batman. I was a scientist.

Doubts flooded over me and when it was time for our arrival in Gotham I was sweating all over my body. When the plane touched down on the floor a shiver went down my spine, spreading all over my body.

Arriving in the airport hall, the first place I headed to was the washroom. Nothing unusual. It's just that I came out with completely different outfit. A huge coat with a hood and dark shades covering my eyes. Not exactly unsuspicious, but at least it hid my face.

Not trusting the taxis in Gotham I rented another car with a different fake passport I had acquired two months ago when I felt like it was necessary to change identities again.

I definitely couldn't reveal myself right away. If I could do that at all.

Sitting down in the drivers seat, I locked the doors and took a deep breath. Then I started the engine.

The hours on the flight made it clear to me that if I wanted to do something useful I had to go to the GCPD and tell them what I know. What the Joker knows.

James Gordon, their link to Batman, was my only hope. I needed someone to tell Batman what the Joker knew so he could do something. At least that was what I was hoping for. I had to get to Gordon somehow.

So this was where I was heading right now. The GCPD a place I had never been to. A place I knew to be at least partly corrupt. I knew that Harvey had cleaned up there after he had been elected. But maybe there were still some people left that didn't want to see Harvey again? What would I do then?

I shook my head to get rid of these frightening thoughts. I was already here and I would take every risk I needed to take to help Harvey. The information I had provided the Joker with were probably partly at fault that he was being held captive now anyway. If he was being held captive...

Soon enough the center of Gotham approached with every mile and while it was fascinating to see this huge city again after such a long time, I felt my grip tightening on the steering wheel.

When the GCPD appeared around the corner a sigh left my lips and I knew I shouldn't feel relieved, but despite the circumstances the thought of the police somehow still managed to calm my mind just a little.

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