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Frost's p.o.v

   Chapter Eleven: A Chicken Ate Me!

"We can surprise him by screaming."

"But the last time you did something like that, you nearly gave the guy a heart attack."

"Gee Manon, thanks for suggesting some ideas! You're a great helper!" I exclaim sarcastically.

Monday is here, and I honestly want to cry. I just want to sleep, forever and ever. Nova actually did already have a present for Cole. He wouldn't tell me what he got him though, saying it was a surprise. So I basically wasted money, when I could've bought a bag of takis.

No, I'm just joking.

I choke on them every time.

But they're so good..

"Ladies, please be quiet." Mr. Earl shushes us. I quiet down, but continue talking.

I'm not finished.

"But maybe we can grab people and have a surprise party for him at my house." I offered just as the bell rang. Right on time too. I grab my stuff, bolting out of class.

"Stay with Cole," I tell Manon.

"Nova! Hey Nova!" I run up to him, tapping his shoulder. He glances behind his shoulder, sighing.

"What Matthews? Who did you make mad now?"

"Nobody I swear! Want to come over and surprise Cole with a party?" I ask, walking besides him.

"Yeah sure." he states.

"Good, I'll see you in History!" I push through the crowd. I keep pushing my way, until I see the person I need.

I, Frost Matthews, am once in my lifetime, going to admit that what I'm about to do...

Is stupid.

I tap Rose's shoulder, holding my breath. She whips around, instantly glaring at me. She waves her little followers off. "What do you want?"

Manon once asked me, what is something I really want to do before I die. And I know what it is.

I want to put butter all over my head.

"You care about Nova right," I ask and she hesitantly nods. "And you care about Cole too, right?"

"What is this about?"

"Well it's Cole's birthday today.. and I'm planning a surprise party. It'll probably make Cole a little bit more happy, since he's a nice guy... I'm sure he doesn't hate you."

She sighs, "But Nova is going to be there, and god forbid me if I even breath in your presence."

I grab her arm, pulling her down the hall.

Please don't kill me...

"If he gets mad, I'll say I invited you." I say, letting her go. "Come on, it'll be fun. And it will give us a chance to get a fresh start! Even though you hate me, you can still be nice for once in your lifetime. Life is too short to miss out on the fun stuff," I wiggle my brows, and she sighs.


I jump in joy, "Make sure to buy a present! Meet me in the library after school! I'll give out the details!" I run, looking over everybody's tall figures.

Why must I be short? Couldn't I have taken my dad's height instead of my moms? Like, that would be so much better. I wouldn't need a stool to get something from the cupboard..

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