Chapter 5.

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Note: The story from now on will be narrated by different characters and not only you. Hope you understand. And the picture... I couldn't find one with Howl so I just edited it. It'll do- I suppose.

Markl's POV

I woke up, yawning loudly, as I rubbed my eyes to get a clear vision of my room. I looked around and smiled, glad to see my room same as it was yesterday. Small, untidy and perfect. I was glad Master Howl had not blown it up considering the creepy potions he was mixing yesterday. Slowly I stepped down from my bed and glanced out of the window. My mouth hung open.

"Oh no!" I cried "I am late!"

It was almost ten in the morning and here I was sleeping soundly. Master Howl would've left hours ago. I wondered whether he had left the potion ingredients I needed to make today for me. I hurriedly washed up and ran downstairs.

"Good morning Calc-" I gaped as I reached downstairs. Calcifer was there, blazing gently in the hearth. But what surprised me most was the girl sitting in front Calcifer. She was sleeping in such a way that I couldn't see her face.

"Who is she?" I asked Calcifer as I carefully walked towards the girl.

"Came in last night from the Waste" Calcifer informed. I stared at the girl. She was beautiful- there was no doubt only that her face was covered in dust and a few scars. Her head was bandaged carefully. She looked no younger than Master Howl.

"Does Master know about her?" I asked Calcifer softly.

"Perhaps-yeah" Calcifer said uncertainly "he bandaged her wound last night but I suppose he was sleepy enough to understand what was going on. He'd be asking who she is himself once he decides to wake up."

"You mean" I said my eyes widened "that Master Howl is still asleep?"

"Yeah" he muttered "both of the sleepy heads won't budge."

"Oh" I said grinning as I tossed a log towards Calcifer

"I am going out!"

"Where?" Calcifer asked.

"For breakfast" I replied and before Calcifer could say anything else, I grabbed a few coins and went towards the door. I turned the square wooden door knob so that the red blob on the dial came under the pointer. I stepped out in the town of Kingsbury and gently shut the door behind me.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was staring at my mother who cried while Lettie talked to me. Then suddenly everything turned black. I woke up realizing I was being pulled and the house I was in a few minutes ago, was now burning itself down into ashes. Suddenly, I was walking on a long dark corridor. I was searching for something. I don't know what. I was calling out to someone. I couldn't hear my own voice. But I knew- that someone was very dear and close to me and that I loved that someone.

I threw my hands in the air as I sat bolt up in the chair, panting hard. The dream. It came again. I shook my head to get the dream out of my head.

"About time you realize it's morning" Calcifer's croaky voice came from somewhere in front of me. I looked up at him and the memories from last night came back. So I was still in the castle.

"Good Morning, Cal" I cried trying to cheer myself up as I stood up from the chair.

"We met only a few hours ago and here you are calling me a stupid name" he said sarcastically.

I grinned as I looked around the castle.

"What a mess!" I cried looking at the dirt that decorated the castle.

The shelved were all dusty and there were spider webs on each corner of the castle. The castle needed critical cleaning.

Suddenly the door opened and a small boy entered. He was about 10 with messy ginger hair and a pale white skin.

"Ah-hello" he said awkwardly as soon as he saw me standing there staring at me.

"Hi!" I managed a smile on my lips. He was carrying a bag which he placed on the table. My eyes followed him as he went back to close the door.

"I am Markl" he finally said.

"Sorry" I said foolishly "I should've introduced myself too. My name is (Y/N)."

"How come you are here?" he asked me.

"I came in last night" I told him.

"No wonder" he said thoughtfully "are you staying?"

"Don't worry. I will leave soon" I answered.

"Is that so?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"And where exactly will you go, may I ask?" a voice from behind made me jump out of my skin.

I turned around to see none other than Howl standing at the bottom of the stairs, his hair untidy yet glowing in the morning sunlight coming from the windows. A creepy smile had crept over his face.

"Good morning Master!" Markl cried enthusiastically, clearly happy to see Howl.

Who in their right mind would be happy to see such a creepy wizard. Howl nodded at Markl before turning back to me

"I didn't quite catch your name yesterday" he said.

"It's (Y/N)."

"Really?" he asked narrowing his eyes at me "well missy, where will you go?"

"None of your business" I muttered.
"Hate to break this to you" Howl said "but it kind of is my business."

"Go away" I told him. I glanced at the bag Markl had just brought. It contained bacon and eggs.

Finally, I thought, something to distract me. I quickly grabbed the bag and went to take the fry pan that was resting on the kitchen counter.

"Cal" I said marching towards him "time to cook."

Howl and Markl were still staring at me but I ignored them and placed the pan on Calcifer. He immediately jerked it off. The fry pan landed on the floor.

"How rude!" I cried picking up the fry pan "seems like this grand castle lacks grand manners."

"That is an insult!" I heard Howl cry in disbelief as I tried placing the pan on Calcifer who jerked it off again. This time I grabbed the pan quickly and turned to Calcifer who said "sorry! But only Howl can cook on me."

"Is that so?" I snapped "does that mean we'll have to die of hunger if grand Howl wouldn't cook?"

Calcifer zipped up his mouth and I heard another gasp from Howl. I didn't know why I was being so rude but I felt so angry that I wanted to slap someone.

"Will you let me cook or not?" I asked Calcifer angrily.

"No" Calcifer said in a small voice. I was frustrated now! I went back to the counter and grabbed a glass. I quickly filled it with water and walked back to Calcifer.

"What are you doing? You stupid girl!" Calcifer cried frightened as he tried backing off. I wanted to empty the water on him but before I could do so-

Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled it upwards. I looked at Howl as he drank the water from the glass holding my hand while his other hand was around my waist pulling me closer. He was hugging me! I couldn't say a word. His embrace was so- strong. He drank all of the water and finally let go of me. He placed the glass back on the counter and turned to me.

"Please don't torture my friends" he said, white faced. He was scared and frightened.

He turned to Calcifer and said "be careful around the old witch" he gestured towards me.

Howl passed me an irritating grin before going back upstairs.

"Cal! I need some water up there" he announced "and you" he turned to me "try not to get carried away. Stay if you have to, (Y/N) but be careful. Torture my friends again and I will hate you for it."

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Howl's moving castle (fanfic) Howl X Reader✔️Where stories live. Discover now