Chapter 16.

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"H-howl" I managed to choke.

"Lovely isn't it?" the witch asked.

I was petrified to see Howl. He didn't look like the Howl I knew. There were great ugly furs on his body and it seemed he couldn't understand what was going on.

"Howl" I said again, trying to grab his attention but he merely stared at me, his eyes filled with pain and grief.

"Listen to me!" I cried running up to him. I took his face in my hands.

"Howl!" I screamed "please. It's me (Y/N). Don't you know me?"

I threw my arms around him, knowing he didn't know I was doing it.

"Howl I love you" I cried "don't leave me!"

"I'll leave you two love birds alone" I heard the witch say "I will be right back, Howl dear. With your heart."

''Y-you bastard!" I screamed "how do you know where his heart is?!"

"None of your business, my love" the witch answered walking away.

I was filled with anger. I couldn't let her get away. I couldn't let her lay her hands on what belonged to me. I couldn't let her have Howl's heart. My eyes quickly searched around to find something to stop the witch. They rested on a nearby wand. Should I... Should I use it. Howl had not taught me how to but the witch was getting away. Markl, Calcifer and Howl, all lives depended on me. Grabbing my strength, I jumped at the wand. I pointed it to the witch and said the first words that came into my mind. Suddenly green sparks erupted from the wand's ends and rushed right at the witch. There was a loud boom with fire splashing it's way. Suddenly a sound of wings came and someone grabbed me, sweeping me up from my feet, and I felt myself leaving the ground. I didn't know who it was and I couldn't make out the face of my savior due to the black smoke.

"Howl!" I whispered once we were out in the air. I was saved by my lover. Howl had grabbed me and took me out of the witch's castle.

"Hello, (Y/N)" Howl smiled "I missed you."

"Oh Howl" I said crying "oh I thought you were dead." I clutched his furs and cried my eyes out on his chest.

"There there" Howl said gently, earning a smack from me.

"All of the things I did for you and here you are saying 'there there'?"

I demanded.

"Well, dear" Howl said pulling me closer "I don't want to say the word I love you in such chaos."

A thin smile crept over my lips as we flew high in the air.

"Don't worry, Howl" I smirked "I love you too."

"Master Howl! (Y/N)!" Markl cried as we landed in the castle "you are back!"

Howl placed me gently on the ground and fell down. I quickly turned around in time to see the fur flying away revealing the real Howl I loved.

"Is he dead?" Markl asked, petrified.

"No Markl" I smiled "the drama queen wanted to end the episode with some style."

Markl looked confused but I walked up to Calcifer.

"Hey, Cal!" I whispered.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" the blue flames peeked out of the hearth.

"What will happen if I give back Howl his heart?" I asked kneeling down.

"Don't know" he answered "the bargain will break for sure."

"What will you do if the bargain is over?" I asked.

"Perhaps go away" he said tightly "but come on. Let's get over with this."

I smiled, picking up Calcifer in my hands. Slowly, I walked towards Howl and knelt down.

"Please let Howl and Calcifer survive," I said "and Cal, thanks..."

"Don't thank a demon" Calcifer said before I pushed the flame on Howl's chest. Gradually, it disappeared.

Out of the blue, red sparks flew up from his chest.

"I am free! I am free!" Calcifer's excited voice came as the sparks flew away.

I stared at my friend going away when suddenly my attention was diverted with a cough.

"Howl" I cried as the handsome man tried sitting up.

"What happened?" Howl asked "and-uh- why do I have such a pain in my chest?"

"A heart's a heavy burden" I said before jumping on Howl, my lips meeting his.

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Howl's moving castle (fanfic) Howl X Reader✔️Where stories live. Discover now