Chapter 10.

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(Y/N) 's POV

I finally got along with Howl. We had started daily classes on magical languages and surprisingly Howl had stopped going out. He spent the whole day indoors, annoying everyone.

Sometimes when I was cleaning he would come and chant "work! Work! Work!"

But at the same time, his changing attitude was surprising. He was warm and friendly towards me and no longer proud or cold. In fact we became friends. Every night he would teach me magical languages. It was fun since he made a lot more fuss than I did. By the end of the week, I had learned all the magic writings and could read well. In fact one day Howl asked me to read to him.

"You can do that, (Y/N)" he said.

"I dunno, Master Howl" I whispered and tried reading.

It surprisingly went well and Howl beamed with pride.

"That was very good" he said patting my head playfully, making me blush. When he saw my red face, he quickly pulled away his hand.

"From tomorrow, we'll start with using magic wands" he said "up till now, you seem like a half witch but that can only be proved until you choose a wand or a wand chooses you."

I was excited to hear what he had said.

"Really!" I cried happily "oh thank you Master Howl." With that, I threw my arms around him and hugged him not knowing I was really doing it.

"What are you doing?" Howl asked, surprised, as I hugged him.

"Just thanking you" I said and pulled back realizing I myself was blushing. Howl, for the first time, had turned scarlet and rubbed his head.

"You are weird" he said.

Next morning, I was woken up by Howl. He looked tense and worried as he said "I am going out, (Y/N)."

"But you said we'll use wands today" I said.

"I know" he admitted "but I have to go on urgent business. Don't worry. Once I come back we can use wands, that's a promise."

"What's going on?" Calcifer asked waking up in the hearth but Howl shrugged and ran outside the castle.

"Is he alright?" came Markl's voice from the stairs.

"I don't know about him," I sighed "but I do know that he sure has waken up the whole house before leaving."

It rained heavily that day and we had to stay indoors with nothing to do. I had read each and every book in the castle and now felt bored.

"You know," Calcifer said "Howl's been changing a great deal lately."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I don't really know what to say" Calcifer said "he's never been like this, you know. Staying in doors so much and smiling like that."

"He doesn't even spend hours in his toilet" Markl added "you know what that means."

"Yeah" Calcifer said.

Howl's moving castle (fanfic) Howl X Reader✔️Where stories live. Discover now