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I kept struggling as Anti carried me to my new room, trying not to seem to calm. This plan had to work. If it didn't, would we ever get out? Probably not.

We finally got to my new room, and it didn't look that different. The walls and floor looked the same, but cleaner. There was still a table with torture weapons on it, and still a chair with rope on it. There was also another table with restraints attached to it, and chains hanging from the walls. I gulped, not just to keep my cover. I was genuinely scared a little.

Anti set me down in the chair, tying my wrists to the arms of it. "Don't be scared Y/N."

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked. "You're only taking me away from the man I truely love and feel safe with."

Anti smacked me, catching me by surprise. "Not for long." He said quietly.

"What are you doing with me anyway!?" I asked. "You got what you wanted! Me to be like you. And you left her with the man I love!"

"Because then me and Iris are even." He answered.

"What do you mean 'even'?"

He walked over to the table with torture devices galore. "I wanted to say...one final goodbye...I guess you could say. But even with Iris having a hangover, I knew she wouldn't allow it. So, I'm letting her have some fun with Jackaboy while we have a bit of fun too!" Anti smirked. I struggled in my seat. I knew this is what the plan called for, but I wasn't ready.

"Good luck 'saying goodbye'. I'll never make that mistake again." I said while I struggled.

"And that's why before me and Iris arrived called Madpat for a little...favour." He giggled as be turned around with a syringe in hand. It had some sort of blue liquid in it.

I felt sweat pour down my forehead. "G-get away from me!" I stuttered as he walked closer.

Before I knew it, the syringe was in my neck. I screamed once Anti started injecting the liquid into my bloodstream. I screamed in pain, and hung my head low once he was done. I didn't feel that much different.

I still knew about our plan.

I still knew how I was going to execute the plan.

But I knew that I felt a sudden..craving.

I felt Anti kneel in front of me. I felt his breath on my face, and I saw my hair flow towards me every time he exhaled. I felt him pet my head.

"Y/N?" He said softly. "Is there anything you want?"

I slowly looked up at him. My vision was a little blurry. I opened my mouth, and said one word; half the reason to go along with the plan, the other half caused from the injection.

"You." I said.

"Good girl." He said as he started to untie me. I slowly stood up once he was done.

"Eager, aren't we?" He smirked.

He walked to the door, and stood there for a few. While he did this for some weird reason, I took the opportunity to grab a knife from the table. I slid it into my boot to hide it. I slowly walked to him, and hugged him from behind. I rested my head on his upper back.

"What wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing lass. Let's go." He said. He took my hand and we walked to what I guessed was a bedroom.


Iris sat on the table of weapons, playing either own knife. She swung her feet back and forth, humming to herself.

"What song are you humming?" I asked nervously.

She giggled a little. "Nothing great, to you at least. I however, love the song."

"You'd be surprised. After all, I did play a drum cover on Chop Suey by System of a Down." I noted.

"Fine! It's called Apocalyptic by Halestorm. Her voice is just really rock and roll like, and I love it, okay?!" Iris seemed to be angry with me. I barely did anything, all I did was ask about the song she was humming.

"Okay. Why are you mad?"

Suddenly, She got up and threw the knife she was playing with at me. It luckily didn't pin me to the wall, but it did skim my shoulder and make it bleed a little.

"BECAUSE I'M MADE FUN OF FOR LISTENING TO ROCK MUSIC!" She yelled. (A/N: This is actually true in my real life. People will judge me for listening to Nickelback. Meanwhile, they listen to people like Lil Peep.)

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Iris looked at me, and smirked a little. "Ya know..."


"You're pretty cute when you act all innocent and s***." She said seductively.

I got a little nervous, I will admit. If she's so caught up with Anti and his actions, why would she call me cute? I can tell that Anti wouldn't appreciate her calling me that.

"Jackaboy....poor little nieve Jackaboy." She giggled, and walked over to me. She traced the blade of her knife on my cheek. Then she walked to the table.

"Your sick in the head, you know that right?" I asked. She threw a knife at me again, skimming my other shoulder, more than the other one. I winced in pain more.

"I'm sure Anti wouldn't appreciate you calling me cute." I continued.

"You just don't get it, do you Jack?" She joked. "Anti wanted to say one last goodbye to your precious Y/N. So, he's going to play with her, while he lets me play with you. So it's a 50/50 situation." She walked over to me slowly.

"Wbats that!?" I said, nodding my head to the syringe she held. It had some sort of blue liquid in it.

"Nothing. Just a little something me and Anti got from our friend Madpat. He's using it on your little Y/N too." She put the needle close to my neck. I tried to back away from it, but she held my head in place.

"Don't worry Jackaboy." She said as she stuck the needle in. It stung like a b****. "This'll only hurt for a minute." She giggled.

I let my head to limp as she stopped. I saw her feet walk away, then come back a few seconds later. I felt her grab my hand, and rub the back on it with her thumb.

I felt the same, but different as well. I remembered the plan, and how to follow it. I just...wanted something else. It was a weird feeling that I didn't really know how to describe.

"Oh Jack?" Iris said playfully. "Did you want me for something?"

I slowly looked at the hand she held, and then looked at her purple eyes. I said one word; both from the plan, and the injection.

"Yes." I said.

"Thats what I thought." She leaned in and kissed me. I kissed her back. I felt bad, but it had to be done if me and Y/N were ever gonna get out of here.

Iris started to untie me from the chair. Once she did, She wrapped her arms around my neck, and started to kiss me harshly. She pulled my hair, and I grabbed her waist. She pinned me to the wall, and started biting my neck. I pushed her away.

"Oh Jack...why'd you stop me?" She asked. "I'm just getting started."

"Shouldn't we do this in a more...comfortable area?" I felt dirty. I didn't want to do this. But it's the only plan we've got.

"Let's go then." Iris said as she grabbed my hand. "Let's go, shall we?"

She started leading me out of the room. As we walked, I quickly grabbed a knife from the table and stuck it into my sock. She turned around.

"Something wrong Jackaboy?" She asked.

"Nothing lass." I said.

"Oh please, don't try to be Anti. Just be yourself." She smirked. "Let's go."

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin