Beat It

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I held Jack's arm as soon as I heard the demonic voices speak. He held me close, and I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. Mark grabbed my arm and started pulling me away from the area the voices were coming from.

"That won't work." Anti said from behind us.

I felt Mark's grip on my arm leave, and another one came back much stronger. The grip pulled me away from Jack, and I reached out for his hand, as Jack and Mark did the same.

"No no!" Anti said as he pulled me away. "You won't be seeing him for a while." He giggled.

"Oh yeah?" I lunged my elbow backwards and sent it into his stomach. I turned around, and sent my knee into his crotch. I turned around to see Iris running towards me with her own knife in hand. And me only having my fists, knees, and feet as weapons, I can tell this wouldn't be good.

"You son of a b****! You hurt my man!" Iris yelled as she tried to lunge her knife at me. Luckily, I dodged her strike. I managed to get behind her and I kicked her back, knocking her down next to Anti. I ran back to Jack and Mark.

"Y/N..." Jack said as he hugged me.

I looked up into his baby blue eyes. "Jack," I started. "Do you still have your knife?" I picked up mine from the floor.

"Yeah." He took it out of his pocket. "Quick, we need to get Mark a weapon."

"I vote we do that!" Mark chimed in. We ran downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"I got one!" Mark said as he pulled a sharp knife out of a drawer.

"So what now?" I asked.

"What we're gonna do now, is put an end to their bulls*** and get them back in their hole." Jack said.

"Good luck with that!" We here Iris say from the stairs. Anti held her around her waist close to him.

"RUN!" Mark exclaimed. We ran for the back door, and ran into the woods. Iris and Anti ran after us. I do it a lot, and sometimes get sick of it, but I sang a song in my mind.

They're out to get you,
Better leave while you can.
Don't wanna be a boy,
You wanna be a man!

You wanna stay alive,
Better do what you can,
So beat it!
Just beat it!

You have to show them that you're really not scared.
You're playing with your life,
This ain't no truth or dare.

They'll kick you,
And they'll beat you.
They'll tell you it's fair
So beat it...
But you wanna be bad!

Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it.
No one wants to be defeated.
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight but,
It doesn't matter, who's wrong or right, just beat it!

"You won't get far you f***ers!!!" Anti yelled, his voice glitchy and distorted. He snapped me out of my trance.

I looked back, and didn't see either of them their. I looked ahead, and saw them both. But Mark and Jack were in there grip. Iris and Anti's knives were at their throats, while their own were on the ground. Iris held Jack, and Anti held Mark.

"Prepare to say goodbye to your darling Y/N..." She said into his ear.

"Let go of them!" I said as I pointed my knife at them.

"Or you'll what? Stab us again and just leave us laying there?" Iris mocked. "We won't die!"

"I know that ya b****!" I snapped.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now