Savin' Me

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Y/N walked over to Anti and Iris, as I walked over to a tree, and sat on the ground. I needed to think for a few.

Why did I do that? I thought to myself. I threatened Iris's life. I was mad at Anti for taking Y/N, and wanted to get back at him in some way. But I didn't think Iris would say all of that stuff; about her wanting me to slit her throat. I didn't know she felt that way sometimes. Now I was concerned. She may be a demon, and I'm sure Y/N would feel the same way, but I wanted to make her feel better.

I looked up and noticed that Iris was walking towards me. I saw Y/N and Anti walk away to another tree, and sat down talking. They hugged, and I knew what she was doing. She was trying to make him feel better. I intend to do the same with Iris.

"Hey..." She said as she slowly sat down.

"Hi." I said awkwardly. "So...I don't mean to intrude on your personal life, but why did you say all that stuff?"

"All of what?" She snapped. She started putting headphones on, but I stopped her. I wanted to hear what was wrong.

"Let me go! I just wanna listen to music, is that so much to ask?" She shook her arm out of my grip. I grabbed on again.

"No! I want you to tell me what's wrong!" I demanded. "Please! It'll make me feel better if I can help you in any way."

She sighed. "Ugh, fine!" She set down her phone and headphones.

"I was always the odd one out. The person who liked rock music."

"Whats wrong with that?" I quickly asked before she went on.

"Barely anyone listened to it in my school! Everyone listens to new pop, or new rap, or country. I hate all of those. I only like a few rap songs, and they're all Eminem, and his songs have meaningful messages in them. They're not all about getting girls and doing drugs." She complained.

"I get that. I listened to rock when I was a kid, and I still do. Even not all rock songs are about s*x and doing drugs either."

"Yeah, I know." She glanced down at her phone, and unlocked it.

"What?" I asked, noticing her opening Spotify.

"There's actually one I wanna listen to now..."

"Really?" I asked. "What is it?"

"It's called Savin' Me by Nickelback. You've probably never heard of it."

"Doesn't mean I won't like it."

"If you insist." She clicked play, and a nice acoustic guitar started to play. She hummed the tune. I figured she was gonna sing, and I was right.

"Prison gates won't open up for me.
On these hands and knees,
I'm crawlin'.
Oh, I reach for you.

Well I'm terrified of these 4 walls.
These iron bars can't hold my soul in
All I need is you.

Come please, I'm callin'
All I scream, for you.
Hurry, I'm fallin', I'm fallin'.

Show me what it's like,
To be the last one standing.
Teach me wrong, from right.
And I'll show you what I can be.
Say it for me,
Say it to me!
And I'll leave this life behind me,
Say it if it's worth savin' me!"

My eyes grew wider and wider as she sang. Her voice was similar to Y/N's, but it would match the deep sounding rock and roll voice the lead singer had a little more. She sounded tough, and really good. She sounded like she could step in for the real guy if he was ever in bad condition. She continued.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now