Chapter 8- To the Moon

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The feeling of Danny's firm and reassuring grip on my hand grounds me to this moment and encourages me to purge myself of the recollections of abuse from the past. I reach for my water glass and take a few gulps then set the glass down on the table. I watch the perspiration traveling down the tall glass. Feeling the eyes of everyone on me, I decided to focus on the clear liquid instead of looking up.

"Okay," I begin, "One night, a week or so ago, I had finished my chores outside and was in my room getting ready for bed. I realized that I had forgotten to put away a rake from the area I had been cleaning up outside. I knew that if Hank saw it left out that he would," I hesitate as I lift my eyes to meet Zeke's and I feel Danny squeeze my hand. "Anyways, I went to put it away. When I was passing Hank's shed, I heard him and his friends talking. They were loud and rowdy. I caught my name being said which made me pause."

"What were they saying?" Danny asks.

Letting out a deep breath, I say, "Danny, it's going to sound crazy. I mean, they hang out in that shed to drink their moonshine, you know. So, maybe they were drunk? I heard them say something about me being a 'null'. That, um, how I would still be good for 'mating' and 'breeding'," I whisper the last words. The memories of hearing that conversation still give me chills.

"I quickly put the rake away and went inside. I checked on Momma before going to bed. She was awake and could tell I was disturbed. I told her what I had overheard and she became agitated. She told me to get a box she had hidden in her closet. Inside was an envelope that had about $300 in it and a paper with Danny's name and this address on it," I paused and looked at Danny. "I was so confused. She never told me that she knew where you were," I choke out through tears. Sniffling, I reign in my emotions needing to get through this next part quickly. "Momma told me to wait till the next New Moon to leave. She told me to steal Hank's truck once he passed out. She kept muttering and saying, 'He can't shift during a New Moon.' So, I hid the envelope and tried to prepare myself to leave. I begged her to come with me but she refused. She said she couldn't. That Hank would know where she was and that she would lead him to us." I clear my throat before continuing, "A few days ago was the New Moon. Sure enough, Hank and his buddies got totally plastered. But, I was stupid," I mumble as I feel my mind taking me back to that night.

"How were you stupid, Angel?" Zeke asks gently.

My eyes fill with tears as I reply with stuttered breath, "Because I fought back."


I watch the flames of the burn pile grow as they consume the dried brush and branches I have raked into several piles around the homestead. Satisfied with my work, I clean up and put away the tools I used for the day. The sun has set and the skies have grown dark. No moonlight tonight and the stars are becoming blocked due to clouds settling into the area. As I make my way back to the house, I hear loud, riotous laughter coming from the front porch of the house. In the dim lantern light, I see Hank and his friends, Billy and Jim, sitting on the front steps drinking mason jars of clear, distilled moonshine. Remembering their conversation I had overheard a few nights ago, I tuck my chin to my chest and try to make my way past them without drawing too much attention.

Suddenly, Billy grabs my wrist and yanks me onto his lap.

"There's my little kitten," he slurs into my ear as he inhales my hair.

Struggling to get out of his lap, "Leave me alone, Billy!" I demand as I stumble into Jim's chest as he jerks me up. He reeks of body odor and onions.

"Yeah, Billy! We'd already agreed I'd get first taste!" Jim shouts as he painfully gropes my backside.

"Both of you knock it off!" Hank demands. "You know the agreement was that you'd get a chance to breed her during the full moon. And, you gotta pay first!" He slurs as he hauls me away from Jim with his strong grip on my upper arm.

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