Chapter 17- Pack Meeting

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"I'm telling you, man," Mason says as we walk into the lodge. "You and Danny need to talk about this."

It's been a couple days since Trent let the whole "Everly is my mate' thing out of the bag. Danny has been avoiding me ever since and I feel his discontent whenever he sees me.

"I've tried talking to him, Mason. He refuses to acknowledge me. What do you suggest I do?" I ask.

"Well, you guys need to figure it out before Everly picks up on all this tension." Micah points out.

As we gather around the den, I pick up my guitar and start mindlessly strumming. Thoughts roll around in my mind. Thoughts centered around Everly. Thoughts of how I can make amends with my best friend.

When Danny walks in, he sits on the other side of the room and avoids eye contact.

Dad steps into the center of the room and begins the meeting, "Alright, I just have a couple things we need to discuss. First, Logan called me last night. He said a few of his Ozark Mountain Crew guys picked up a couple unfamiliar wolf scents up by Eagle Point,"he explains. "There's also been a rumored panther sighting. Could be unrelated, but I doubt it. Wouldn't be unlike Hank to hire out a rouge shifter to bring Everly back. I can't stress enough how we need to be on alert. Which leads me to our second order of business," he looks at me and Danny, "This shit between you two needs to get handled," he says as he glares at each of us, "Right fucking now."

I look over at Danny. His jaws clench and irritation radiates off of him.

I place the guitar down and walk over. Standing in front of him, put my hands on my hips, "Danny, you know that who our true mate's not in our control. I didn't pick Everly. That said, I'm thankful that it's her," I add quickly. "She's amazing. I don't deserve her, and I will treat her with respect. You know me. You shouldn't question that."

He turns his head and angerly asks, "What do you expect from her, Zeke?"

"What the hell do you mean?" I ask.

"She doesn't even know about being a shifter. So what happens? She shifts and then you throw this shit at her? It's too much, man. She won't be able to handle it all."

I think about what he is saying. But something nags at the back of my mind, "You're wrong."

"What?" he demands.

"You're saying that she can't handle all of this," I motion around the room. "That she can't handle who she truly is, but you are wrong. I'm not saying that I'll tell her as soon as she shifts. That's not my plan at all," I announce.

Danny stands up and walks into my personal space. Putting my wolf on guard and causing tension to rise in the room, "What is your plan then?" he growls.

Looking down, I shake my head in amusement and frustration. My wolf is itching to be released and put Danny in his place. My inner alpha knows that Danny wouldn't stand a chance in battle. But, he's my best friend. So, I take a deep breath and explain, "All I've been doing, since the moment I realized what she is to me, is try to help her. I've been someone she can trust. A friend. I'm not gonna lie and say I haven't flirted. I have. I guess, my plan, is to wait and pursue more when she's ready. Does that make sense?"

After a moment of silence, Danny storms away from me. Turning suddenly, he addresses the room, "The whole true mate this is a fucking joke."

"Danny!" Charlie and dad growl.

He looks over at them and throws his hands in the air, "Well, it is. We can't choose who our mates are? We see someone and boom! Suddenly, we can't think or act for ourselves? We get tied to someone we may not really know. What if that person is an asshole? What if he's a fucking piece of shit? What if..."

Charlie, looking solemn, walks over and places his hands lovingly on Danny's shoulders, "Danny."

"You understand, Uncle Charlie," Danny begs, "You've seen it. We can't get momma back because of who her mate is and she is stuck there...dying. She's dying and we can't do shit. All because of the damn mate bond. Well, I call bullshit on the whole fucking thing," he declares.

Pulling away from Charlie, Danny begins to march out of the room. Stopping at the archway, he turns and looks at me, "You're Everly's true mate? Fine. But you're not going to pursue it until she acts on it first. It has to be her fucking choice," he challenges. Looking over at my dad, he adds, "And, I'll be alert. She's my fucking twin. She means the world to me and I am not going to let anyone take her away from me again!"

He withdraws from the den in a tornado of pain and anger. I look to my packmates and see the worry in each of their eyes.

The reality of the situation hits me and burrows deep into my heart.

What if Danny can't accept me as Everly's mate?

Then, I remember what dad said about the wolves in our area. I can't focus on Danny right now. I have to keep Everly safe. So, with a heavy heart, I ignore the need to run after Danny.

I turn away from my best friend and walk out of the lodge.

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