Chapter 35- Dirty Paws

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I leave Zeke and run through the woods. A strange, tugging sensation pulls from inside as I make my escape. The feeling is unfamiliar, but on some instinctual level, I know it's my wolf. I sense her pacing within, demanding release.

I give into her call and let go. A steady hum of energy blankets my exposed body. The shift is uncomfortable, but not painful. Within a few minutes my muscles have elongated, my bones break and reform, my skin sprouts fur, and my teeth sharpen. As I run through the forest of talking trees, the wind whispering through their barren branches, I am a beast with four dirty paws.

As I break from the forest I continue running along the river bank towards the lake. I hear a howl cry out behind me. My wolf halts as the mournful wail causes her distress. Night has fallen on our mountain valley. Stars twinkle above as if they are a million judgmental eyes blinking at me with disappointment.

Don't. I warn my wolf.

I feel her being pulled by the mate connection. It's something that the human side of my brain cannot truly comprehend. How can someone be "mated" to someone else? It feels barbaric and scares the heck out of me.

Not that Zeke is a bad guy.

I know he's not.

In fact, Zeke is a great guy. He's been nothing but kind and thoughtful since I met him. Plus, he's not hard on the eyes. The way his dark hair always looks perfectly combed back. How his upper body is strong and wide at the shoulders; how it narrows at the waist. The way his hardened muscles push out of his tight t-shirts and his jeans hug his ample...

Stop. I warn my...self.

A whine escapes my muzzle as I force my wolf to turn away from the somber song and race back to the lodge.

As I trudge up the slope to the back deck, I see Danny standing by the door. He is wearing a worried expression on his face as he leans against the doorframe.

"Everly," he greets. His expression remains apprehensive as I approach. I ignore him and sit on my haunches in front of the door.

With an exasperated sigh, Danny pushes off the house and kneels at my side.

"We need to talk, Sis," he murmurs.

No, we don't.

I transfer my weight to my back legs and push my front paws onto the glass door. Moving them up and down, I do my best to convey my feelings towards conversation. My long nails clink and screech against the glass as I smear mud over the clear pane.

The door suddenly jerks open and I push my way inside.

I run to my bedroom as voices yell out from behind me.

I ignore them.

Luckily, my bedroom door is open, so I push myself inside and nose the door closed. Once alone, I shift back into my human form and walk to my bathroom.  Taking stock of my skin, I realize that I'm clean. I guess the magic of the shift takes away the dirt and debris? In any case, I still crave a hot shower.

I stand under the water's current for thirty minutes before I make a move to wash. The soap permeates the small space with a lemon and lavender aroma. Once completed, I step out of the shower and reach for a towel but hesitate. My eyes roll up to the mirror before me. My reflection is muted and blurred by the thick condensation dripping down its reflective surface.

"I wonder," I say out loud as I close my eyes and visualize the water dripping down my body evaporating. As I do this, I feel tiny wisps on my skin. When those sensations stop, I look into the mirror.

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