CHAPTER 3: Spirits Guide Me

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Myc crouched in the dirt behind a tall redwood as she surveyed the forest clearing for possible danger. 

In one hand she held a leather sling, while the other hand lightly rested on the sheath of her dagger. Her bright green eyes stood out vividly from the layer of dried mud all over her face and hair. 

The rest of her classmates had stampeded into the forest as soon as the test commenced, but Myc had hung back near the river to perfect her camouflage. She knew that otherwise her bright, red hair would've given her away instantly.

A twig snapped to her right. Myc held her breath and willed her heart to beat a little slower.

A girl appeared in the clearing. She strolled in and looked around the clearing half-heartedly. Her pale skin and light blonde hair made her glow in the sunlight like a beacon. 

Myc groaned silently. What was Elaina doing? Had she not been listening at all when the elders explained the rules?

Leaves shuffled very softly to Myc's left. A tiger spirit was approaching the clearing. Great.

It had a massive head and powerful hind legs. When it yawned, Myc could see teeth as long as her fingers. Myc couldn't help wondering which of the council elders had summoned the spirit for the testing. 

But right now she had a bigger problem. The spirit had spotted Elaina and it was hunting her.

Myc thought about her options. She could either save Miss Vanity or leave her to face her fate. After all, Elaina wouldn't actually get hurt-she'd just be disqualified from passing the test and spend a few days recovering her spirit. 

Logically, she shouldn't interfere. But still Myc hesitated. She couldn't just abandon someone no matter how who it was. After all, they'd all been abandoned once before and that was painful enough.

Oh bugger it. 

Myc readied her sling. This would have to be a perfect shot, because there'd be no second chances. She loaded a stone and aimed for the tiger's right paw. 


Startled, the spirit tiger moved a few feet to its left. That was a mistake. A net emerged from the ground, enveloped the tiger, and trapped it. 

The tiger spirit thrashed against the net trying to escape, but it held firm. Myc walked up to the spirit and looked it in the eye as she held up one hand to its nose.

"Lend me your strength. Lend me your wisdom. Guide me on my path now and forevermore.


 As she completed the ritual, Myc used her dagger to prick her finger and offered her tiger a drop of blood. The great tiger spirit bowed its head and licked Myc's finger. It accepted her offer. 

The spirit disappeared from the netting in a shower of sparks. Myc watched as a bright, red ruby on her bracer glowed.

"Welcome home, Shakti."

Suddenly, a hand from behind gripped Myc's shoulder. The long nails were digging into her skin painfully. 

"You stole my tiger!" 

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