CHAPTER 5: Good Morning

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Galbraith Warner woke up at 6:31 AM exactly like he did every day. He brushed his teeth, put on his work clothes, and went downstairs to fix his wife some coffee and a breakfast.

At 6:45 AM, Gal climbed the stairs with a breakfast tray in one hand and a coffee mug in the other. 

Juliette Warner was still fast asleep in bed. Gal smiled, his wife looked so peaceful and harmless while she was sleeping. She had a sweet side, but she didn't show it to many people.

Gal knew that his wife was famous as "The Dragon" of New Ramona. She'd been working as the city mayor for more than 30 years now, and no one could deny that their fortunes had improved significantly under her leadership. 

She'd been credited for repairing the education system, renovating housing for thousands, and funding vital discoveries in medical research. Gal frowned, his wife worked too hard. 

He bent down gently and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Wake up Julie."

Juliette stirred and opened her eyes a crack, "What time is it?"

"It's..." he opened his notebook to the first page, "6:47 AM"

She sat up like a zombie rising from the dead and reached for her diamond earrings. 

"I have a meeting with the district counselors at 7:15. Gosh, what am I going to do?"

He chuckled as she dove out of bed and into their shared dressing room. 

"You could cancel."

"That's not happening. I've been trying to arrange this meeting for weeks. Those slimy, no-good tax attorneys kept trying to divert me, but I will get to the bottom of those missing city funds."

She stepped out of the room dressed to the nines with not a single hair out of place. In less than a minute, Juliette had gulped down the coffee and the toast. 

Gal reached up and brushed a few remaining breadcrumbs off her cheeks. What a clutz.

"Is Eve up yet?"

"I didn't see her downstairs."

She frowned. Gal knew the signs and thought he'd best interrupt her train of thought before her blood heated up. "I'll go wake her and see that she's all packed."

His wife nodded and rushed out the door. Gal sighed, just another busy morning. 

Well, time to wake the younger dragon. 

He stood in front of  Eve's bedroom and knocked on the door. "Eve? Eve, wake up. It's nearly 7 o'clock." 

There was no response. "Eve?" 

That was certainly strange. He turned the knob and went in. 

The figure under the blanket wasn't breathing. Gal felt his heartrate speed up, "Eve!"

He threw off the blankets, but she wasn't there. Only pillows were thrown together on the bed in a vague human-shaped lump. 

Gal laughed with relief. She probably snuck out early to meet a boy and didn't want us to know. 

Gal looked out the window-the skies were sunny. It was a good day for hunting. He should start polishing his shotgun...that would really scare the wits out of his daughter's new boyfriend.

Whistling, Gal took the steps two-by-two. He was confident that Eve would be home soon. 


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