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@nina: i think its time me and you talk.

@andrearussett: do i know you?

@nina: no. but you heard of me.

@nina: i'm harry's girlfriend.

@andrearussett: lmao last time i check he denied you.

@andrearussett: don't start with this petty bs.

@nina: leave us alone. we were happier before you came into his life.

@andrearussett: dude, are you hearing yourself?

@andrearussett: we haven't even met. he denied you as his girlfriend. me and him are just friends. i don't have to explain myself to you.

@nina: hell, you do. he is MY boyfriend. everything he does, i have to know about it. that is what a relationship is about.

@andrearussett: did you know that a relationship includes TWO people and not just one psychotic bitch? TWO. do your math.

Now. leave me alone. get over it.

read 5:05 PM.

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