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This chapter is dedicated to @jelenasmiles 🌹 thank you for supporting my story! x

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Liked by @eleanorj92, @shawmendes and 12.3M more.

@harrystyles: adopted two babies from a rescue home and she couldn't be any happier. #happyfamily 🌹🐕

View 9.9M comments

@fanusername: 😍😍😍😍😍
@jelenasmiles: i'm living for the handrea fam!
@gemmastyles: i love this! 💕 big fam, fell in love with these boys already xx
@fanusername: gahh! can they get any cuter? 🤑
@fanusername: GOSH!! I SEE DOGS 🐶😍
@sandra: the babies of the house! 💝
@fanusername: wait so are yall staying in one big house together? ^^^^
@fanusername: omg i forgot they still keeping the reason why harry is taking a break from us :((
@fanusername: handrea gives me the feels 😫💋
@fanusername: 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
@andrearussett: i love my big boys! 🌹🐕 mommy's babies! xx
@fanusername: wait i'm still waiting on the news 😩😩😩😩😩

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