Nineteen - Talia

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Ch19 - Talia

"Steven, please!" she gasped, but he wasn't listening.

His cold hands were wrapped around her neck and she struggled for air. Everything was starting to go black, and she wondered if this was it. Was this the end? Maybe she should welcome it?

'Just let it be over!' she silently screamed. It seemed as though death might be her only means of escape. Why fight it? She tried to relax and let herself go, only to feel his hands release her.

"Oh, no you don't!" Steven snarled, "I want you awake for your punishment. How else are you going to learn?"

What had she done to deserve this beating? Oh yes, she had "corrected him" in front of the neighbor. All she had said was that it was supposed to rain for the next few days when they had mentioned making plans to meet up for a round of golf. She didn't understand how that warranted a punishment, but she had stopped trying to figure Steven out a long time ago.

"Just kill me," she pleaded desperately.

"Kill you? I could never kill you, my sweet Sarah. I love you. I love you so much...Talia..." Steven breathed, his face distorted in an ugly sneer.

* * * * * * * * * *

Talia sat up in bed with a start, sweat pouring off of her. Where was she?

Florida. The Ivy House. The Green Room. She attempted to reorient herself to her whereabouts.

When would the nightmares end? Would she be forced to suffer from them for the rest of her life?

Talia drew her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She'd had a really good day, with the exception of almost getting eaten by an crocodile. She had found a wonderful little house in the country - that was furnished, no less - and a job! Mrs. Wilson had brought up an opening that she had for employment at The Ivy House. Talia couldn't believe her good fortune! Her future was finally looking a little brighter. Still, it hadn't been enough to ward off the bad dreams.

She ran a shaky hand through her hair, reflecting back upon her day.

And then there was Charlie. He had been an unexpected surprise. Talia wasn't admitting to being interested in him, but she did feel a little safer knowing that he would be nearby. She wasn't sure why, especially given her history with men, but the thought of him living next door gave her a feeling of comfort.

She sensed he was a good guy, even though she had sworn off men forever. That didn't mean she couldn't be friendly with him. Of course, she planned to remain cautious - that would be in her best interest. She didn't want to need or rely on any man ever again. Talia intended to become a strong, independent woman, one that didn't need a male in her life to be happy.

But it might be nice to have someone to talk to every once in awhile. Plus, if she ever had a jar that needed opening...

She thought back to the picture on his bedside table, and swallowed hard. The topic of his wife never came up. Why would it? They barely knew each other. Still... She found herself feeling curious about him. Maybe she would pick Mrs. Wilson's brain a little more sometime.

Looking at the clock next to her bed, she saw it was only 2:45 am. She laid back down and shut her eyes, hoping sleep would come quickly. But her mind had other plans.

Smiling to herself, Talia reflected on her first motorcycle ride. She hated to admit it, but it had been exhilarating! The open road; the wind in her hair. It had felt good riding with Charlie on the back of that bike. And most importantly, it had felt almost...normal. If anyone had seen her as a passenger on the back seat, they wouldn't have thought anything of it. She would have looked like a normal girl, hanging out with a normal guy.


She knew she was anything but normal. The secrets she kept could never be shared with anyone. Ever. Those skeletons needed to be tucked away in the closet for good. And no matter what happened, she couldn't let them out.

Reluctantly, her mind drifted to Steven. What was he doing right now? Were they still looking for her body? Had there been a funeral in her honor? Too many question with no answers. But Talia knew that she didn't need answers - she didn't want answers. What she did need was to leave it all in the past, and then leave the past far behind her. No more looking back.

Talia huffed. That's easier said than done.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Hello and thank you for reading The Secret! It's Double Chapter Day, but before you turn the page I ask that you kindly consider leaving a vote or comment if you liked this chapter!

So, what do you think? Does Steven think that Sarah/Talia died?

I would like to dedicate this chapter to fellow Wattpadder @HannahRose0423. She's always one of the first to stop by and read/vote whenever I add a new chapter, and I really appreciate her support! Not only is she a reader but she's a writer, as well. Check out her profile and see what she's up to!

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