Thirty Nine - Charlie

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Ch39 - Charlie

Arriving in Atlanta left Charlie with a bittersweet feeling. This was the first time he'd returned to see his wife's parents, John and Sue, since he moved back to Florida after Emily had passed away. So many memories flooded his thoughts as he made his way around the busy city, both happy and sad, especially after he'd visited her father in the hospital-the very same hospital Emily had been brought to after the accident. Walking the halls left him feeling smothered, but he swallowed his discomfort in order to be strong for her parents.

The heart-attack had left John in need of bypass surgery, which he had tolerated extremely well, but the doctors extended his stay in order for him to grow stronger before beginning cardiac rehabilitation. It had been nice visiting with Emily's parents again after having been away for so long, but Charlie had to admit it had also been extremely difficult. He'd half expected to see Emily waltz into the hospital room, with her waves of strawberry blonde hair and kind eyes, as if nothing had ever happened. And as hard as he tried to ward off his agitation, it was an uncomfortable sensation he was unable to shake.

"So, how have you been, Charlie?" Sue asked while they were eating lunch in the hospital cafeteria.

"I've been alright," he shrugged. "Keeping busy."

She nodded her head knowingly, "Now, how have you really been?"

Charlie gave her a small smile. He had forgotten how keen Emily's mother's instincts could be, much like his own mother's internal hunches. "It's been tough," he admitted.

"Are you even trying to move forward, Charlie?" she asked softly. "You know Emily would want you to."

He shook his head. "How do you move on...after something like that?"

"I'm not saying it will be easy, but you can't wallow in the past, either. Believe me," she continued, "I know how difficult it can be to get up every morning, but it's just something we have to do. Emily wouldn't want us to sulk." She took a sip of her coffee and was quiet for a moment. "You know, your mom and I still speak from time to time. She told me you won't so much as look at another woman."

Charlie felt his cheeks grow warm. This was a conversation he hadn't expected to have with Emily's mother and it made him feel sick to his stomach.

"You are a young man, Charlie, with a whole lifetime ahead of you. Don't spend it living in the past," she said, reaching her hand over and covering his. "I know how much you loved my daughter, and she loved you, too. Emily loved you so very much-we all do. And that will never change. But now you need to love her enough to let her go."

"I'm trying," Charlie responded, his eyes filling with tears. "But it's so hard."

"I know it is, honey. It's hard on all of us," she responded, reaching into her purse and pulling out a handful of tissues. She handed Charlie some and kept a couple for herself. "The pain doesn't ever go away, but we can't let it take over. Letting Emily go is not the same as forgetting about her. I never want you to forget about her, but I don't want what happened to deter you from living your life. It's time to start a new chapter. You can be happy again, you know that, right?"

Charlie hesitated, and then nodded his head. He was hoping he could be happy again, and he wanted to be, but he felt so guilty thinking about such things. He felt as if he were betraying the woman he had married. There were times, like when he was with Talia just a few days ago, that he believed he could move on. And then reality set it, and thoughts of deception took over. He had never been so confused in his life! Just when he thought that maybe he could move forward, remorse fell upon him, making it seem impossible.

"You've met someone, haven't you?" Sue interjected, cutting off his thoughts.

Charlie regarded her quizzically. "Have you spoken to my mother recently?" he asked, slightly perturbed. It was not his mother's place to be speaking to Emily's mom about Talia.

Sue shook her head, "No, we haven't spoken in several months."

"Then how did you know?"

"So, it's true, then?" she asked with a grin, her face lighting up. "Charlie-that's wonderful news!"

He swallowed hard, not knowing how to respond. "If not from my mom, then how did you find out?"

"It was just a hunch. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you, Charlie!" Her eyes crinkled at the corners and her smile was so warm and genuine, as if she really meant it. "John and I have been praying that you would meet someone someday. A good woman, who will open your heart and help you to live again."

All Charlie could do was shake his head.

"Charlie," Sue said, with a serious expression. "This is a good thing. Please believe that Emily would be happy for you. And there is nothing that John and I want more then to see you happy again. You deserve this."

"But I feel so guilty," Charlie sighed.

Emily's mother's face softened. "Maybe you should tell Emily about it and see how you feel afterward," she suggested. "Have you been to the cemetery yet?"

Charlie shook his head. He had not. In fact, he had done everything in his power to even avoid the street it was on.

"Well then, maybe that's something you should consider," she said, smiling once more. "I think you might find that my daughter is a very understanding woman."

Charlie felt his stomach leap with fear. Confronting his wife's ghost was not something he had planned on doing during this trip. And he wasn't sure he was ready to.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Visiting the cemetery and telling Emily about Talia-is it a good idea or not? Do you think it might help Charlie move forward?

If you liked this chapter, please remember to leave it a vote! I update this story every Tuesday and Friday, and as always, thank you for reading The Secret!

I am dedicating this chapter to WP author @JessicaBFry and her fantasy adventure story Tue-Rah: Identity Revealed. Jessica is a very talented author and supportive reader who easily charms those who come into contact with her! You can check out that story as well as her others by visiting her profile page.

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