Chapter 10 - Detention (2) (Edited)

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Rose POV:
After what happened with Jason and the principle, Jason left without a single word. I didn't know what to do at first but then I ran towards my textbook that Jason threw, grabbed it from the ground and ran towards the physics class. I immedialtly entered and sat next to Diana who looked concerned.

"Is everything alright Rose? " she said when I sat next to her.

No... Nothing was alright. I told her everything but paused a couple of times when the teacher stared at us. I couldn't believe it took the whole period to tell her everything.

"He deserved the detention, but I am sorry for you though, "she said after we walked out of class.

"Yeah... Well what can I do? "

~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~.

I am sitting now in chemistry class with Jason sitting in the back. The teacher divided us into pairs to do some work. I ended up with a cute blond guy whose name I learned to be Mike. I looked at Jason from the corner of my eyes... And man did he look mad. Mike and I worked for a couple of minutes and talked about each other.

"Um Rose, would you like if I-walk you home today?" Mike asked nervously. He was cute but something told me he wasn't as good as his looks.

"I would love to but I have detention "I said honestly with a sad smile. He then smiled back and nodded showing me that he understood. I looked at Jason again when he let out a sigh of relief. Was he listening? But he was far away.

~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~.

That day went by slowly and school was finally over. I was heading to the 'detention ' room when I decided to think about Jason who I was going to share detention with. The weird thing was I haven't seen Jason after chemistry. Not even Diana knew where he was even after she asked his friends and they didn't know either. I hoped he wouldn't go to detention. I stood infront of the door, took a deep breath and entered.

There was a teacher sitting on a chair behind his table and about 20 empty desks, but other than that there was no one else. I sighed in relief and sat in the front middle. The teacher didn't give me any attention and kept reading a book. Minutes later Jason came and the principle was behind him. Both of them looked very furious.

Jason's eyes and mine met. The same feelings were building up ever since the first time we met. I couldn't deny it anymore. He sat to my right 2 seats behind.

"Jason I don't think you are stupid enough to try and get out of here. But if you are, then I will find you and give you an extra hour, "the principle -Matthew-said in a scary tone that I tried to make myself smaller in my seat. Jason on the other hand gripped the edge of his table avoiding eye contact like he was holding a sudden attack.

"In the mean time, can I talk to you outside,"he was talking to the teacher now. The teacher nodded and they both got outside and closed the door behind them.

I looked at Jason and his eyes were closed. He was taking deep breaths to calm him self while gripping the table too tight his knuckles were white.

I couldn't resist it anymore. I was actually worried. He looked pale and his veins were showing.

"Jason, Are you al- "I tried to ask but he immediately interrupted before I finished.

"Don't,"he said calmly. He slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at me. But I swear his eyes were darker than usual.

"But I just want to- "

"JUST SHUT UP! "he yelled. He let go of the table and slammed his fist on it making it crack. I flinched at the sound.

"Why? "

"Because your voice makes me sick,"

"No! I mean why are you like this? Why are you so mean to people? Why are you acting that way towards me? "

He looked at me for a second before he opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. He obviously started to study the words he was about to say. After what felt like a minute I lost hope of him answering me, so I decided to turn around while going back to my original thoughts and wishing this hour could end more quickly.

"Look... From now on just try to be away from me. If you ever see me turn around and if I ever walk by your side don't look at me. I promise you that I would do the same and I won't bother you anymore,"he said while staring at the ground. He looked sad and defeated. I didnt say anything because the teacher came but also I was lost for words. Did he actually mean it? Am I... Free? But why?

The hour has passed and Jason ran to the exit. He was gone before I even got up. I walked through the hallway and got out of school. It was Wednesday so my dad was at work. I walked a few steps then I stopped. I couldn't ignore the feeling that I was being watched. I turned around and I gasped in horror. I put my hand on my heart to stop it from racing.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, "

"Sorry, didn't mean to,"he smirked at me and came closer.

"What are you doing here Mike? "I asked him when he was now standing besides me.

"I... Uhh... I wanted to walk you home remember,"he said, but looked like he was trying to make an excuse before he remembered that he asked me he wanted to walk me home. I smiled and nodded but that didn't mean that I didn't feel that wasn't the entire truth. Nonetheless, we walked together side by side.

Usually I would say 'you stayed here for me! ' and act so girly or 'aw you're sweet', but I didn't because I knew something was up. He didn't act normal he was tensed and seemed drowning in his thoughts. Even in this awkward atmosphere, I could still feel that we were being watched. Every time I looked at the forest I get goose bumps. I was about 2 blocks away from my house and I didn't want Mike to know my exact living place.

"Um... Thanks Mike... But I can walk from here,"I filled the air. He looked at me after his constant staring at the forest. He didn't say anything just nodded. I frowned, he looked so much different than before he was pale and stiffened like he saw a ghost or something.

I turned and ran to my house. I just wanted to go home. The only place I feel safe in. I was curious to see Mike though just one more time, but when I turned around he was gone. That was weird. I only turned for like 5 seconds. I didn't want to think too much about it because now I was really scared and so I ran faster.

Once I got home, I closed the door and leaned on it. My muscles relaxed and I let out a sigh. I went to my room, took a shower that made me relaxed even more when my skin hit the cold water. I got out, wore a white T-shirt and black shorts. I put my wet hair in a bun. I wanted to take out the nervessness so I decided to watch TV.

I sat on the white couch and turned the TV on. I started to flip through the channels when it landed on a breaking news. I watched a bit trying to concentrate on the man's words, he first started off with the killing and crimes spreading out lately and that one had happened tonight, then the camera showed a scene of the victim, a scene I would never forget, a scene that will bring me nightmares. There laying on the ground his clothes and face were covered with blood. His clothes were shredded. There was scratch and bite marks all over his body.

I dropped the remote when I knew who it was. I opened my mouth in shock and widened my eyes when I recognized that he was laying 2 blocks away from my house.

There laying dead on the floor was Mike.

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