Chapter 27 - Final Words (Edited)

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Rose POV :
I stayed by the door crying for who knows how long. I finally decided it was time to get up and freshen up. I went to my room took my clothes and make up off and headed to the bathroom. I stood under the shower under the cold water that was running down my spine. My mind was over thinking of the life ahead of me. For a long time now, I depended on my father for lots of things. Every time I felt like I was about to fall, his arms spread out to catch me. I never imagined my life without him, at least not too soon. I knew how hard it was for him when my mom died, but he never showed it infront of me, he stayed strong for me.

I stepped out of the shower with the towel covering me up. I decided to wear  sweats and a tank top. I went to the living room and sat on the couch. I was surprised that it was really late.

The door bell rang. That was weird. Who would come here in this hour? I couldn't handle more bad news. After a groan I stood up and opened the door. I was stunned to see Zack and Luke standing infront of me with a smirk. Without an invitation Zack pushed me with his shoulder as he stepped in and Luke following behind. Then he closed the door and faced me. I stared at him waiting for an explanation.

"By the look on your face, I can see you already know the news... Am I right? "Zack chuckled.

"What do you want? "I snapped at him while crossing my arms over my chest. What news? About my dad? How did he know?

"Lets get this over with already."Luke said directing it to Zack.

"No no...  I want to have fun first." he said to Luke even though his eyes never left mine.

"But that is not what... " Luke was interrupted by Zack's glare. Luke shrugged and stared at the ground. Zack faced me again with a huge grin. I was getting confused. I didn't have time for games.

"Just please leave me alone."I said while pointing to the door.

"Just like that kitten? I am hurt."Zack said mockingly putting his hand on his chest.

"You see kitten... We are not leaving until we have your head in our hands... He wants to make sure you're dead this time."

"WHAT? What do you mean? Get out you phsycopath. " I yelled.

"We are sent here to kill you." it was Luke who answered this time with a dangerous tone. I was losing my mind here. Wait were they the ones who killed my dad?

"Are you... You are the ones.... Who.. Who... "I was now stepping backwards as the adrenaline rushed through my veins.

"No it wasn't us! Somebody else had that job. We had the fun one."Zack smirked.

Now they were both coming dangerously close to me, just like how predators track their prey. I was stepping backwards about to scream,  when both of their eyes glowed gold and their canines were extending under their lips. Something flashed in the corner of my eyes and I saw how their nails turned into long sharp claws. Zack growled and so did Luke. Zack raised his hand to claw my face when I finally snapped out of the shock and ran.

They both chased me around the house. I was screaming and throwing things at them. I went to the dining room and we were circling each other. Mean while, when I was trying to throw a chair at Zack, Luke jumped on the table then threw his body down on me. Leaving me falling on the ground with him on top of me and the chair shattered into pieces. He rose a bit and snarled before swinging his hand clawing my left cheek. The scratch had a burning effect and blood immediately oozed out of the opened flesh.

Before he succeeded with another swing,  I grabbed the chair's leg and stabbed it in his heart. He hissed in pain and I took that chance to throw him off of me. I stood up and saw that Zack was running towards Luke's unconscious body. Oh god did I kill him?

Zack looked at me angry as ever and growled loud enough that the ground vibrated. I took that as a sign to run. I ran to the kitchen and as expected he caught me and threw me at the counter. He was about to jump on me when I caught the nearest object to defend my self. Please not a spoon. Please not a spoon.

To my luck it was a knife. I stabbed him in the shoulder and he screamed in pain while clenching his now stabbed shoulder. I kicked him and he fell to the ground. I got off the counter and ran through the back door. It was hard to see in the darkness as I ran in the forest but I kept running since my life depended on it.

I was pushing grass and branches out of my way as I ran. I heard the sound of paws hitting the ground furiously as well as growls. I knew it must be Zack who must had shifted to his wolf. He was catching up.

I stopped when I recognized where was I. I was beside the lake that Jason showed me. Its beauty kept enchanting me. The moon was now directly above me and its light was almost piercing through the water.

I turned around when I heard the sound of paws closing up on me. Very quickly. I started stepping backwards as I was looking right and left to see if there was anywhere I could run or hide. I knew it was no use because he was faster and could easily catch my scent.

And there he was. His wolf was gray and scary looking. Once he laid his eyes on me he snarled showing me his pointed teeth as he was growling uncontrollably. With each step he made forward I made one backwards in return. He ran in my direction and I gasped. I quickened my steps just in time to fall backwards and hit the ice cold water.

I knew how to swim, but for some reason all my kickings were not working. I was not floating. I was somehow slowly getting pulled downwards. I finally gave up, thinking that this was how I was going to die. I stopped fighting and I felt my hair moving with water movements forming weird swirls lines.

The last thing I saw was the blury image of the gray wolf smirking down at me before he turned and left. I kept focusing on the moon and how beautiful it was. I smiled a bit knowing that soon I would join my dad and my mom again.

I knew no one would hear me. I knew what I was about to say wouldn't be understandable under water and most likely the words would transform into bubbles, but I have to say it. My last breath. My final words. Something I was keeping for so long.

"I love you too Jason."

I closed my eyes, consumed by darkness. This time I knew that not the alarm nor the sunlight would manage to wake me up in morning.

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