Chapter 26 - Black Blood (Edited)

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Jason POV :
RED... RED... RED. All what I could see now was red. How the hell should I know that her dad would die. I never meant this to happen. She thought that her world was falling apart. Well I was not the one who asked for a human mate in the first place. NO ONE had a human mate. Of all of the werewolves, why me? Why couldn't I have a werewolf mate, that would make things so much easier.

After she slammed that stupid door at my face, I couldn't control my wolf anymore. All what I wanted to do was to break that door into million pieces. My wolf was scratching my insides so I had to let it free.

After I parked the car a good distance away from her house, I ran to the forest and shifted. I barely could see from the speed I was running. I couldn't take my mind off of Rose. After I thought that things were just fine and that I was about to begin a new life with my mate, this happens. I should've known better than to believe that.

I didn't care that I was stepping on sticks and rocks, for some reason I couldn't stop running from my anger.  I knew that she wasn't safe right now, but I mostly knew that she wouldn't be safe if I was near her right now... Not like this at least.

But where would I go? I wanted to know who 'B' was and torture him till he only found comfort in his death. I want to see the very last piece of his soul leaving his eyes slowly, so I could enjoy it as it last.

I didn't know where my wolf was taking me, I just let it be free. I could see the glimpse of the pack house. I knew that no one was there. They all arranged plans today since I told them I was going on supposedly a 'date'. Man I feel stupid.

I was now standing infront of it and shifted back to my human form. It was already getting dark and I was sure that no one would be here till morning. I went inside and walked carelessly not paying attention to my surroundings. I didn't know what to do. Should I go back and comfort her? Surely she wasn't in the mood to see me right now. Should I give her space? But what if something happened to her?

I walked upstairs to the last floor where I live. No one was allowed there. As I was about to open the door to my room something caught my eyes. I turned my head and saw that the lights in my office were on. That was weird. The door was slightly ajar too. I walked to it slowly not to make any sounds. I opened the door and it made that annoying squeaking sound.

I walked in and I froze when I saw who was sitting there. Right there in my chair his back facing me. I clenched my jaws and fists, ready to pounce at him any minute now. He turned the chair and now he was facing me with his disgusting smirk playing on his lips.

"Well if it isn't my favorite nephew." he said. I didn't want any thing related to him.

"Get out. " I said with a dangerous tone. No one moved. He only chuckled and slowly got off the chair and walked to me until he was infront of the desk and leaning on it with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Where were you exactly? I didn't think you would be back early... Did something happen? "He asked his smirk never leaving his face.

"I won't tell you again Rob... Get out!"I raised my voice a bit. I was losing patient.

"Haha... You seriously think you scare me. This mate of yours made you all soft." he said while wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"Is this what all of this is about? You are acting that way because of her? How pathetic. "

"Believe me Jason, pathetic is the last word I would think of. It suits you more actually. "

I growled. He better get the hell out of here... MY office... Before I lose my mind.

"Jason, you are better off without her. Leave her and lead this pack... Your pack... Lunar Blood is the strongest. Other packs fear us... Don't ruin it all because of her. "

"I rather leave this pack for good than ever leave her. Now that I found her I am never going to let her go. I am nothing without her."

He chuckled. "Who sounds pathetic and weak now? "He said mockingly. I just growled even louder.

He got off of the desk and walked my way. I was standing right next to the door and I wanted so badly to kick him out.

"Well... tell her I am sorry for her lost " he said while touching my shoulder. Before he could leave I caught his arm and tightened my grip.

"How did you know that her dad died? "I said my voice calm and dangerous and I was watching him from the corner of my eyes.

"You just told me that—"I cut him off.

"No I didn't! I won't ask again. NOW TELL ME! "

He looked at me with a grin. "It doesn't matter if you know or not, it is already too late."

I looked at him confused, but that only made him grin wider.

"You are so like your father... A fool."


"You see 'B' stands for Black. The family you came from. I am surprised you haven't realized it yet. " he started laughing. I gripped the collar of his shirt and slammed him on the wall.

"It is you!!! "

"Yes it is... And you did nothing to stop me. Now it is all over and you can't do anything about it... This is exactly how I planned it."

I punched him right in his nose. Now it was crooked and bleeding. I threw him on the desk wiping everything that was on it. Before I got to do anything else he stood up and continued.

"You see Jason... There is still alot of things you don't know. For example,  you didn't have the first human mate... Alright... I did!!... And when she knew who I really was she ran away. I was so mad that I hated every human alive. Your father had my back,  we were both partners of the biggest crimes. We even made our own pack that was specifically made for torturing humans. We used to call ourselves 'B'. That is until he found his mate and he was Alpha. He turned all soft and caring, but I never gave up, I wanted to find her and make her suffer... I wanted to deliver that message to the world, but your father refused. I had no other choice but to kill him and your pathetic mother..... "

THAT WAS IT. I jumped on him. Now we were both flying out the shattered window. We were on the highest floor. We made it to the ground with a huge thud. I was groaning with pain. Thinking about his blood running down my fingertips boosted up my energy and I stood up. Only to find him already standing up and dusting his shoulder.

"Oh Jason, you didn't even hear the best part. That human that I was so desperately needed to kill was Rose's mother. One of my followers found out were she lived and I told him to kill her but I wanted to make her die slowly so he killed her with the bestest wolfsbane. Stupid humans thought it was cancer. They could never save her. I also wanted her daughter dead. I thought it was a great idea. Both of them dead and her dad will suffer alone, but that stupid wolf didn't kill Rose for some reason and even when I gave him a second chance he failed... That is not the only reason I wanted to kill her.... "

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. If I knew he was the reason my parents died, and the one who killed Rose's parents and threatened her I would've ended his life long time ago. I was using every bit in me to control myself from ripping his throat out.

"You see Jason... there is a one knows about... "

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