fire in my heart

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you were like a fire in my heart.
it was hurt and broke so many times. it went through numerous betrayals. not to mention the amount of stab wounds that were in it. through all of this, it became cold and dark. it was hard to trust anyone with it. i didn't want it to go into the wrong hands again. one more wrong person, and it would become sand and slip right between their fingers onto the floor. it would eventually be swept up and put into the trash.
but when i met you, i knew it was different. it was suddenly in the right hands. you put a fire in my heart. it went from dark to bright. it went from cold to warm. it went from broken pieces to a whole. you made it happy. you made me happy. you showed me what it was like to be happy again. you showed me the light. the craziest part, you have no idea what you did for me. thank you for everything.

// this book is going to be me just writing stuff that comes to mind. you don't have to read it, it's just for me to express my feelings.

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