26. into a sea of phosphenes

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whatever shall we call each other

when we are not even half-lovers?

just two naive suckers

riding on this ever-lasting summer,

living within warbled streaks of unseen colours

buried under the long bible's verses.

whatever shall we call each other

when we are not even half-lovers?

relationship defines by awkward suppers

filled with static, sewn and smothered.

electric charge so dense, you can capture

on grainy images or high-speed shutters.

whatever shall we call each other

when we are not even half-overs?

splaying wide open on cold bed sheet covers,

hovering between careful shudders

the moment we uncovered strangers' lipsticks

pressed on our collars.

whatever shall we call each other

when all we ever know is to be half-lovers.

prompt: grainy image

Death of a Nihilist [poetry]Where stories live. Discover now