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Stella and the baby upside.

Maha P.O.V

The ride to the hospital was unexplainable. Stacey was screaming bloody murder. I had to control myself from lashing out on her. She was cursing my brother and the baby.

Soon we were in the hospital as the nurses rushed Stacey into the operation theater.

Six Bodyguards were standing outside the operation theater in case Tahir or someone else decided to intrude. I was accompanied by David, Miley, Troy and Drake.

I always hated to be in a waiting room. It gives me hard time. And the people around were not helping by giving us weird looks.

I never thought I had to be in a hospital on my wedding day. Well I had also not dreamed my wedding without my parents.

But it is happening anyway.

"Coffee.?" David asked bringing me back from my trance.

"Yeah. I will come with you. I am not a fan of waiting rooms." I shrugged and followed him out with Miley and Troy in tow.

"Doctor had said Stacey will need some more time to deliver the baby." Miley informed me.

"I just hope the baby is fine." that was my only concern, the well being of baby.

We waited for elevator. It was stopping on almost every floor. We were on the 13th floor so taking stairs is not even a option.

"This is the reason why I hate huge buildings." Miley whined beside me.

"Feelings mutual babe." I patted her shoulder.

Finally the elevator arrived with a loud ding.

"Finally.!" me and Miley said in unison while David and Troy just chuckled on our desperation.

I froze when I saw the people inside the elevator.

"Maha.?!" They said in shock.

David pushed me inside the elevator. Murmuring something like "Can't waste anymore time in waiting for elevator."

Stella pulled me towards her with one hand. She was holding a baby in other.

That's when I came back from my shocked state.

"Oh my God Stella is this your baby.?" I squealed as I took the little toddler in my arms. He was perfect like his parents.

"Yes that's our kid. But what the hell you are doing here.? That too in a wedding dress.?!" I heard Stella.

"I don't know who you people are but just for a while please shut up. I am tired of your annoying questions." David snapped.

"How dare you to talk to my girlfriend like that.?!" Liam was about to punch David but he dodged it easily

"Guys stop it.!" I yelled at them angrily. Other people were looking at us like we are crazy.

"I will explain everything once we are in cafeteria..!" I said them in annoyance and started to play with the baby.

"What's his name.?" I asked them.

"Bear." Liam replied curtly.

"Awww so cute." I kissed him on his chubby cheeks. He giggled in response.

When we reached into the cafeteria they bombarded me with questions again.

"When you came here you didn't even bothered to inform us about your arrival.?" Liam accused.

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