Author Note

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Happy Tuesday! (Another update coming your way in just a few hours.)
50+ reads in one day, wow. Thank you. It may not seem like much, but to a writer who continuously doubts their craft, its enough to keep me going.

I have been writing for about twelve years now, with countless manuscrips deleted. I had these characters in my mind for years and every time I sat down to write a story, I realized that it wasn't their story. It was all wrong. Does that every happen to any of you or am I just crazy? Probably the latter. Anyways, these characters mean so much to me. I finally found a place for them and I hope you start to love them just as much as I do. We will be seeing a lot of Liam (Are you as excited as I am?) 😁

How are you liking the story so far? Let me know in the comments.

Happy Reading!
Love, rachannewrites❤

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