Chaper Five

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This chapter is dedicated to @LakeyiaAnnMarie❤ Thank you for the votes and comments. You are awesome girl.

An unfamiliar black Silverado pulled into my driveway. I pushed the curtain aside and peeked out the front window. Liam hopped out of the driver's seat and made his way up the porch steps. I let go of the curtain, hoping he didn't see me, smoothed my hair, and opened the front door.

"Where's the death trap?" I asked.

"Well, hello to you too." There was that smile again. I wondered if he ever grew tired of it. Making girls swoon, that is.

"I thought I would trade it in for something safe. You're growing on me, I guess." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse off the counter. He escorted me to the truck and opened the door. I grabbed the handles and hoisted myself up.

Liam turned off Main Street and onto a gravel road. It went for half a mile until we reached the sand. It was a small beach at the end of the island, far enough away from the rowdiness of the pier. We used to hang out here as teens and threw parties on weekends. I hadn't been here in years and the rumor was it was now privately owned and that scared off the high schoolers.

He put the truck in park and hopped out. I watched as he gathered up the essentials. No one started a fire quite like Liam did. He lay the firewood down and the next thing you know, there was a roaring blaze that even the boy scouts would be envious of.

"I'm impressed." I took a seat on one of the chairs.

He chuckled. "Thanks. And since you're being nice to me, I'll make you one of my famous roasted marshmallows." He said.

"Wasn't all the admiration over your killer fire enough for you? Just put it over the fire and let it burn."

"James, sit back and watch how it's done."

I could tell there was something he wanted to say, and his stare was penetrating the silence, making me start to fidget in my chair. Finally, I broke the silence and glanced over at him and asked, "So, how are you liking Bridgeport so far?"

He replied in a lower, softer voice that I had not previously heard, "I think I'm liking it so far," His eyes were on mine for a few moments and as I felt my cheeks begin to flush, I broke away.

I cleared my throat, hoping my cheeks weren't as red as they felt. "So, do you have any cases this summer? I asked, trying to ignore the thoughts swirling around in my head.

"Just one." He said. "I'm finishing it up in a week. I wanted to take some time off to think."

"About what?" His vagueness intrigued me.

He set his bottle down in the sand. "Sometimes I wonder if law is the right thing for me." He replied as he gazed down at the sand.

"What is the right thing?" I asked.

"Well, it's not that it's not so much that I don't like the law. It's just, maybe, my life has gotten a bit off balance with trying to make a name for myself at the firm."

"Do you hope to be a partner someday?"

He chuckled. "That was the goal. Initially, I was going to pursue corporate law but landed a great job at the firm and I've just been wondering if I should've stayed true to myself." He looked over at me and said, "Are you living the dream, James?"

"My job is about helping my clients and making sure their wedding day is the best day of their lives. If they're happy, I'm happy."

He pressed on, "Yeah, but what about the crazy hours? All work and no play, James, what kind of fun is that?"

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