Chapter Eight

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How awesome is this cover created by Limelight_stealer? You guys, go check out her work. She's amazing!❤

I met with a potential client the next morning. Her name was Quinn and she owned the clothing boutique, Forever Everly, that was a few shops down on the boardwalk. We had become great friends over the years. Savannah and I did a lot of shopping at the boutique and hit it off from the start. We had a few phone conversations and bounced around ideas, so today she was here to see what I would offer her. I had an entire spread; different locations, color themes, centerpiece prototypes, even a few bouquet options. She was particular about what she liked and wanted to check-and-double-check. I was fine with it, I have handled difficult brides in the past. From early on I learned not to bat an eyelash. If they didn't want to hire me that was fine.

"Nora, Darling." She grabbed me into a hug. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"Anytime." I did my famous Nora James smile. "If you want to have a seat I have a presentation of some of the event options." I motioned Quinn to sit down. "We have the Standard, Premium, and Luxury." I went into detail about what each package entailed, along with pricing.

"I need all the help I can get." She sighed. "I am so busy and a total airhead when it comes to planning anything. Here is my wedding book, pretty much everything I want is in here. You do the rest." I ensured her that I would take care of everything, so she picked up her pen and signed the contract. "I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. I have complete trust in you, Nora, I love your style. I would love to chat, but I have a huge shipment coming in this afternoon and I don't like to leave my salesgirls to do it by themselves. Lunch next week?" Quinn usually stayed for a while to chit-chat, and I enjoyed it, but I was also busy with upcoming weddings, so I hugged her and sent her off on her merry way,

"Garcia Family called," Jamie said as I joined her at the reception desk. "Asking for Liam?" She raised a brow.

"Ugh." I grabbed the list of client phone numbers.

"You have to tell me." Jamie insisted.

"Can you butt out of my business?" Jamie was like a sister to me. She was friends with Ellie and I had known her since she was young. When she turned fifteen, she begged me for a job here during the summer. After a few years, I asked if she could work year-round. It was the best decision I had ever made. She answered all the phone calls, handled client problems like a pro, and assisted during weddings when I needed her. If I didn't end up having children of my own, I would leave the business to her; it would be in great hands.

"Ellie's right, you need to get laid."

I hit her on the head with the stack of papers in my hand. "You know that's not my style." I winced. "Liam assisted on the Garcia wedding and the groom's mother fell in love with him. She hired me for her other son's wedding and wants to make sure Liam is there."

Jamie raised her brows. "Who wouldn't want Liam there?" I shot her a look. "What? You know he's hot."

"He's nice, Jamie." I corrected.

"You're blushing." A smile grew on her face.

"Go home." I pointed to the door. "You're fired." I went into my office and returned Mr. Garcia's phone call. She was blabbering about the great time she had with Liam and kept referring to him as my boyfriend. I corrected her on multiple occasions, but she ignored me. She wanted to meet with the both of us, along with her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. I marked the wedding date in my calendar; summer of next year. I prayed she didn't hold onto the hope of Liam being there since he was leaving in less than a month.

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