Chapter 3

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Abbas shifted in his seat for the twelfth time. He kept his head down out of courtesy but also to hide his face, allowing for the material of his Keffiyah to drape over it.

Harun had been successful in telling their mother, who couldn't have been more delighted to find out that her borderline-narcissistic son had a preference, who was none other than a daughter of a high official. No matter how much he pleaded against it, his mother had gone ahead and sprinkled her magic to arrange a meeting, and today had been the fruit of his mother's effort.

Khidaaf Beirooni, the only daughter to the male dominant Beirooni lineage, sat in his presence, her over-bearing perfume filling the entire Palace with her jasmine flower scent. Her father Jamal Beirooni was a high ranking governor whose heritage had descended from one of the founders of Balqaas, holding a great deal of power in the countries society. The way he valued his only daughter was clearly evident in the luxury garments and jewels she wore, her fingers and wrists flashing from the glimmer of gold and diamonds.

The moment he saw her from afar entering the Palace with her parents, the prince admitted she had plenty of beauty. Her cocoa-coloured curls had not been covered, displaying her gleaming emerald earrings that matched her eyes. Thaina had even whispered a remark to Harun, of which Abbas overheard and couldn't help chuckle, about how she was able to stay standing with all the jewellery weighing her down.

Abbas lowered his gaze, scolding himself for admiring her beauty for longer than he expected. He just hoped her character would mirror her physical charms. However, it didn't take long for her to prove herself.

Once her parents had introduced themselves, offering their gifts to his family, they had given some time for the two to get to know each other, under the supervision of his sister-in-law, who was now sitting by the corner of the tea room, scribbling away on a piece of parchment paper with her feather quill.

From the moment they sat down, neither of them spoke. Whilst he sat with his gaze focused on the steaming cup of tea in front, he could feel Khidaaf blatantly gawking at his gash, her not-so-subtle eyes burning into him. Under her disappointed gaze, Abbas felt like a specimen being examined under a magnifying glass, and he felt terribly embarrassed that she had no shame to lower her gaze in front of him. All he wished for was to return to his room, away from her and her parent's judging stares.

He cleared his throat, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw Khidaaf jump.

"It is wonderful to see you again, you've changed very much," he said nervously.

"Um-yes, it has been a while. I can say you have changed too," she commented, giving him a shaky laugh. "I was delighted to hear that you personally invited me to the Palace,"

Before Abbas could correct her, she continued.

"I'm surprised that you chose me of all the women in Balqaas and am flattered,"

His smile faltered, preferring her when she was silent. He couldn't help but think if this was how narcissistic he came out to be before his injury. Abbas glanced to his side, where Thaina sat, and he noticed her shaking her head in disapproval.

"Tell me about yourself," He asked again, giving another shot.

"Well, I enjoy going outside."

"Oh, so you like to travel?" His eyes glimmering, finally finding a topic they could bond over.

"No...I meant, to shop."

Abbas paused and took a sip of his tea before he muttered an answer.


He knew Thaina would be rolling her eyes over their deflating conversation.

"I do love sweets and cakes,"

Written In The ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now