Chapter 8

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She couldn't hold herself back. 

Once the doors clicked shut, Haifa fell to her knees, her legs unable to handle the emotional burden of her heart. A chaos of tears streaked her face and her body shook with grief. 

She had never shown anyone her scar, and to think she had, made her feel worse.

Haifa felt betrayed, not by him, but by herself. She had let her anger control her emotions and now her actions had become her biggest regret. She didn't hold back as sobs continued to rattle her throat, her anger emptying out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

Oh, how she wished to be in the comfort of her parent's house right now.

Finally pathetic of her own tears, Haifa stood up and wiped her face, blinking the tears back. If it hadn't been so late, she would have gone for a walk to cool her nerves.

"Argh!" She yelled, as she collected her thoughts. Haifa was furious at him but more than that she was scared, now that he knew the truth. Would he not want her anymore?

If only she hadn't hidden it away from him in the beginning.

Haifa walked over to the dressing table, glancing quickly at her reflection. Her eyes were swollen again which meant she would need Meena's magic bath again.

As she strode over to the bed, she blew out a few candles but left some on, afraid of facing complete darkness alone. After pondering whether to go in or not, she pulled back the covers and settled herself in the centre of the huge bed. The layers of blankets did nothing to aid the biting cold that greeted her.

Once settled, Haifa's thoughts began to run wild and she felt a minuscule of guilt bloomed from her anger.

Here she was occupying his bed whilst he could be anywhere in the Palace, suffering from the sudden draft of cold air.

Would the Prince be ok? She thought, before her exhaustion overcame her worry.


He had a splitting headache. After listening to her endless cries, Abbas finally pulled himself off the floor and dragged his heavy feet across the marble floors to his Study. As much as he wished to return and wipe the tears off her cheeks, he knew he was the last person she wanted comfort from.

He could only blame himself, letting his anger and selfishness take over him.

And the scar; he knew it had been caused by a sharp weapon by the clean line it left against her skin. His cut would have been like that too if it were not for the poison.

Abbas entered into the gloom of his Study. A small fire was still crackling by the Majlis, and he walked over, slumping his body on the velvet cushions. His eyes traced the carved swirls on the ceiling but he was too deep in thought to appreciate them like he usually did.

Their first night had ended horribly.

All because of you. Hissed the voice from before and Abbas shook his head.

"Astaghfirullah," He repeated over and over again, trying to shoo away the ominous whispers.

He shut his eyes and folded his arms over his chest, shivering slightly. The young Spring still bought chilling nights, and Abbas had forgotten to bring a blanket with him. He guessed he deserved this after making a woman cry.

Nor just any woman, his wife.

As he let the sleep pull him in, whispers of her cries drifted into his mind, bringing about a sad memory of his dearest friend.

Written In The ScarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora