Final Chapter

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A month later

Haifa blinked in disbelief.

She had had her suspicions but now that it was confirmed, she couldn't believe her ears.

"A-are you sure?" she stuttered, giving the nurse a puzzled look.

"Yes Sahiba, you are with a child. I can bring the Head Physician if you wish to hear the confirmation from him,"

"N-no, no it is fine!" Haifa replied, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"Mabrook Sahiba!" Salma exclaimed, clapping her hands. "The Prince will be delighted to find out,"

Just then, the curtains were drawn back and in skipped Thaina and the Queen.

"Mashallah Tabarakallah!" Thaina squealed, wrapping her arms around her.

"I think she is more excited than anyone else here," Queen Humayra chuckled, before turning to Haifa. "Mabrook Habeebati,"

Haifa thanked the Queen as, she too, embraced her.

"Abbas' father will be overjoyed when I inform him," The Queen added. "He may not look it, but Ilyaas has always had a soft spot for children,"

Haifa and Thaina smiled.

"Tell your mother and sister that I am inviting them over for dinner, we must celebrate the good news,"

"I will send Meena to deliver the news to them. They both have been pre-occupied with my sister's wedding plans," Haifa explained.

"I cannot believe Diya is getting married!" exclaimed the Princess.

"Me neither. Diya still can't believe she is getting married to Khalid too,"

"Your father will be so proud of you both," the Queen cheered. "And I'm sure your mother will be even happier for her daughters,"

Haifa nodded, stroking the small bump of her belly.

Just then, the doors to the infirmary burst open and Meena came rushing through. Haifa couldn't help but laugh at the familiar sight when the girl skidded to a halt beside them.

"Sahiba, it's the Prince!" she huffed, through large breaths of air.

Haifa leapt up from the bed.

"His Highness has been spotted passing the borders of Balqaas with a magnificent caravan! The Prince has returned and the Princess of Rughad accompanies him!"

Haifa clasped a hand over her trembling lips, her eyes turning glassy.

He was home, her Prince had finally returned to her.

She couldn't wait to tell him about all that had happened. The discovery of the spy, the attack during the coronation, the arrest of his uncle and finally, the discovery of Junayd's letter.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the City gates, Abbas gazed far into the horizon, the familiar sight of the umber rooftops warming his heart. The excitement of returning to Balqaas, his home, buzzed in his veins and he couldn't wait to see his family again. He couldn't wait to see Haifa again.

Glancing behind him, the grandiose palanquin of Rughad swayed side to side, the built servants installed on all sides striding in sync.

As he galloped forward atop his white mare, the sun managed to peek its way through the blanket of white clouds. It spread its warm rays across the horizon, welcoming the Prince back home.

Written In The ScarsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum