Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Dinner was absolutely beautiful. Marlene cooked us lamb, with roast potatoes, boiled vegetables, gravy and Yorkshire puddings. It was absolutely delicious, the best food I have ever eaten in my entire life.

Merida dragged me back to her room after the meal and handed me an elegant white dress to wear. The dress had a sweetheart neckline. Beneath my breasts, it flowed down like a waterfall. It was simple, yet looked so amazing. I was actually surprised to know that the dress fits me as well as Merida.

The only problem was, the dress was incredibly long. Merida stands at a 5'6'' whereas I stand at a 5'2''. She looked down at the dress and shrugged her shoulders. I copied her actions.

I did not find the length of the dress, in fact, I found it comfortable. It hid most of the scars on my body. Merida stared at the scars that peeked through the dress with concern and sadness. I moved my hair to quickly cover them and watched as her eyes snapped back to my own.

"Sorry." She muttered quietly. "It's just really rare to see someone who has survived the turning."

I hung my head low. I almost did not survive. The pain from the attack was unbearable that it left me in a coma for two weeks. Even when I woke up, I was unable to move. But thankfully, I managed to recover in time for the full moon.

I shook my head and hugged Merida to me, letting her know that I am ok when mentally, I am far from it. She hugged me back, her hands balling the dress in her fists as wept on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." She cried between sobs. I soothingly rubbed her back. In all fairness, it should be me crying and her trying to soothe my fears. But ever since that I found out my mum was dead, I was unable to shed a single tear.

She quickly recovered and shook her head as though to tell herself she should not be crying, as though willing her tears to go away. She clasped her hands in mine and led me outside the room. We walked through the house.

On our way to her room, the whole house was buzzing with noise and excitement, but now... The house feels empty and eerily still. She led me outside and towards the woods. Picking up the dress in my hands to stop myself from continuously falling in it, I followed behind her.

She led me to a small clearing where everyone was gathered in a circle. They allowed me through and Merida joined the circle. I looked behind me, willing her to stay by side. I was frightened. It was incredibly dark and the chill nipped at my bare skin.

I heard movement behind me and saw Sam jump down from a boulder. He wore black leather pants and a black ripped shirt, giving him the look of a bad boy. When I was human, I would have ogled him and felt attracted, but now that I am not, I could not bring myself to feel any form of attraction to him.

"Amy. As the alpha of this pack, I welcome you to join us. Please repeat this vow after me:

"I, Amy, accept the duties and responsibility to be part of the Midnight Elite pack. I swear my alliance to the pack and their alpha." He ordered in a strong, clear tone.

"I, Amy," I began. Nervousness was wracking my body as I scanned the many faces around the circle. "Accept the duties and responsibility to be part of the Midnight Elite pack. I swear my alliance to the pack and their alpha."

Sam pulled out a dagger with intricate designs on the blade and the handle and took my hand, my palm facing up. He sliced my palm and I hissed from the burning sensation it left. He repeated the same on his own hand and held my hand; our blood mixing together.

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