Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Mike's POV

My fingers tapped on the table impatiently. Dinner time had come around and I had received no news of my mate. Granted, I had kept the news to myself. But I still wanted to know how her condition was.

"Mikey." Claire drawled. She took her seat next to me as her mate positioned himself next to her, throwing a lazy arm around her shoulders and leaned in his chair. Amusement twinkled in his eyes. "Why so glum?"

"It's nothing." I murmured, looking away from them.

"Could it be that you're worried about the girl?" Claire sang, leaning into her mate, Nick.

"No." I lied.

"Tut tut. I hear she is quite popular with two particular males here. I overheard some of the she-wolves say that the three are inseparable." She teased. My lip curled back in a snarl at her words. "Oops. I know that reaction. Mikey has found his mate."

"Shut up," I growled. Claire clapped her hands excitedly.

"So it's true? The girl, she's your mate?" She asked, leaning in as interest in the information sparked her attention. I nodded my head in confirmation. "FINALLY! You have found your mate. Maybe now we can stop hearing you bitch and whine about thinking she's dead already."

"Watch your mouth." I barked at her. I looked up when I saw the distraught males enter the room. Their eyes cast downwards. My mates' scent lingered all over them and I had to fight back the growl that threatened to erupt in my chest.

"Is there any news on her condition?" An elderly woman asked as they approached her. They both shook their heads, pain flashed across their faces as the woman sighed. "I hope she recovers soon. I miss having her sneak around my kitchen and help out with the cooking."

"WILL!" A little child cried. One of the men turned, his eyes were glassy with unshed tears as the little boy approached him. "Will Amy be okay?"

"She's going to be fine. She just needs some rest." The man told the boy as he crouched down to the child's level.

"Rest? Is she tired? Was it because of the rain yesterday? I saw she was falling asleep while trying to eat last night." The boy admitted as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

"She's going to be okay. We all know she's been having struggle sleeping lately, her body is just trying to catch up on the sleep she has missed."

"It's been two days!" The boy cried. "She promised me she would play with me."

"She will, don't worry. When she wakes up, I'll let you know and you can see her and play with her. Okay?" The man told the boy.

"So she's loved by everyone here and she's only new," Nick commented as he looked away from the man, whose name I can safely assume is Will, and the little boy.

"Very impressive. The cook adores her, the pups want to be around her. The whole pack seems distraught that she is frozen in fear. She sounds perfect for you, Mike. You always said you wanted a respectable woman who loves kids." Claire smirked.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them. A plate of food was placed in front of me and I thanked the she-wolf for her service. I quickly devoured up my plate. My thoughts kept racing back to my mate.

Two days. She has been like that for two whole days. I can not even go see her to bring my mind at ease that she is not injured or on the brink of death. This pack is holding secrets about her from us, which only makes me worry for my mate even more.

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