Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The leaves crunched beneath my feet, the sharp twang of stones and swigs stabbed at the sole of my bare feet. The faster I ran, so did the wolf. I could not shake it.

My breaths were visible in the cold air, a white mist escaping my mouth as I panted for oxygen. Escaping was futile. I would never be able to get out of this alive. I knew I was going to die here.

The white silk of my camisole and the thin shorts did nothing to battle the cold causing my pace to slip every once in a while. That only made it easier for the wolf to reduce the distance between us.

I screamed for help, screamed for mercy. But the only response I ever received was the snarling of the wolf behind me. Tears ran down my cheeks, the fear helped me push forward as I battled the harsh wind.

I need to find safety. Thoughts of climbing a tree were shattered as I realized how fast the wolf could catch me - I was also not very good at climbing trees speedily. I needed to find somewhere where the wolf will not attack. Perhaps a public place.

But then again, I could not risk the wolf attacking other people. Ideas of running back home and locking myself in a room where the wolf could not get me raced through my head. I tried to think of all possible rooms where I could quickly escape and be safe from the wolf's clutches... Or paws.

The basement! My father always said that I should be careful of the basement. If I go down there, get locked in and stuck, then I would most likely die down there. Nobody could break in and there was only one key which hung next to the basement door.

My father also told me to never go down the basement because it was not a place for young, innocent minds like mine. I had previously wondered if it was something sexual that my mother does not know about.

But then I realized that my mother had been down there alone quite a lot. I just had no idea what was down there. I suppose that tonight would be as good of an excuse as any to discover the unsolved mystery of the basement while trying not to die in the process.

I did not see the rising tree root. I only realized that it was there when I had tripped and fell into the mud face first. I rolled over and scurried back as the wolf caught up and stalked closer like a lion would with his prey.

I sucked in a huge breath. This is it. This is where I fall victim to the blonde wolf before me. This is where I regret coming to the woods alone at night. I should have stayed in my bed and ignored the calling of the outside world.

I looked up at the moon, if I were to die here tonight, I would prefer my last moments to be spent looking at the moon. I was so beautiful as it glistened in the dark sky. It compelled you to marvel at its beauty.

I indeed was compelled by the moon.

The pain of the wolfs teeth sinking into my neck and tearing away a large chunk of skin and muscle made me scream in agony. Black spots haunted my vision, yet I refused to look away from the iridescent glowing orb in the sky.

Then everything turned black.

The wolf. The blonde wolf wanted my nightmares. I thought the night terrors had passed, but they had not. They still haunted me, clung to me like some sort of disease that you can not shake.

I shot up into a seating position. My clothes were soaked from cold sweat. My heart raced as I heard the blood rushing in my ears. The ache in my chest was back. My breathing quickened as I searched the room.

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