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We ran through the weeds until the ground was just dirt and rocks. The higher we went, the rockier the cliffs got. I didn't look down. All four of us were out of breath and running on fumes. The sun was setting and it would be dark soon, and I didn't want to continue risking our way uphill at night.

Finally we stopped. Cal was gasping for air. She bent over and put her hands on her knees. Will asked if she was alright and she have him a look before nodding. I nudged Grant.

"I need to talk to you," I whispered. "Alone."

"Will," Grant called out. "Keep an eye out. Give us a minute."

Will nodded and didn't say anything. I followed Grant up toward the edge of the cliff until we were far enough away where they couldn't hear us.

"Ry, we really can't stop. Will and I were being chased by some guys. Not sure how many, but we heard them. They can't be far."

I glanced down at Will and Cal nervously.

"I told Cal about Will's theory that Aaron could be a mole, and she said she doubted it since Aaron got caught and everything. But, then she said that maybe Will is the mole. It kind of made sense," I whispered.

"Will? The mole?" He blinked in disbelief. "I don't think so. I was just with him and I didn't get that feeling about him at all."

I sighed. "Good, because thinking about you out there somewhere with Will alone, I..."

My cheeks flushed and I looked away.

"Hey, Ry," Grant said softly. "Things are getting crazy; well crazier. And we're probably all a little paranoid or delirious. But, I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you and I'll be fine, okay? We just need to stay focused and get the heck off this island."

I stared down at my feet and nodded.

"You're right. Cal basically said the same thing. She said there probably isn't a mole at all." I said.

"She's probably right." He smiled. "She's in bad shape though, huh? When she got to Will and me, she looked pretty bad. I think she's sick and just doesn't want to say so. But she was desperate for us to come and help you."

I glanced back down at her. "Yeah, she looks so weak. Both Cal and Beth need a doctor."

Will was standing guard, looking off into the distance, as Cal was sitting on the ground with her head propped up against her wounded knees.

"Let's get back-" Grant stopped and his eyes grew wide.

I spun around just as Will hollered out. Two guys were rushing toward Will and Cal. Grant bolted down the hill with me right behind him, but he stopped as a third guy came at us. Grant reached back and shoved me behind him.

"Ryleigh, run!" he yelled.

I turned and ran uphill. I could hear Grant right behind me, urging me to keep going and not stop. I quickly looked back and saw Will hoist Cal up over his shoulder and run into the trees. He didn't leave her!

My heart beamed when I realized Will had now saved two of my friends. Maybe he had a thing for Beth, I wasn't sure. And Beth seemed to have a crush on Will, too. But that definitely wasn't the case with Cal. She suspected Will to be a mole, and he never seemed overly fond of her either. Still, when it came down to life and death, he stuck by her.

I faced forward and kept running. The elevation peaked. Under any other circumstance, I would've stopped to admire the view. The full moon illuminated the sky as the stars slowly came out. In the distance, the water rippled softly. It was exactly the kind of view I had hoped I'd see while away at camp. Be careful what you wish for.

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